Keeping Your Cool: The 9 Clear Signs It’s Time to Replace Your HVAC System

Are you wondering if it’s time to replace your HVAC system?

Our appliances don’t last forever and sometimes it’s simply more prudent to replace the entire unit rather than going through yet another round of expensive repairs.

The question for the layman is how to tell when it’s time to throw in your hand on the machine you’re running.

Fortunately for you, we’ve assembled a list of signs that your system is in need of replacement. Read on and we’ll help you decide if it’s time to replace the unit or if you can extend its life with a repair.

1. Grinding Noises From the Compressor

If the compressor for your AC unit is beginning to make grinding noises, you’re looking at a unit replacement in the near future. For most residential systems the cost of replacing a compressor is simply too high to justify not replacing the unit entirely.

Grinding occurs as bearings break down from friction within the compressor. This occurs naturally over time but it can occur more quickly if you have a leaking system since the lubricant is mixed with the refrigeration.

No matter what the cause, it’s probably time for a replacement system. You can read more about the installation process online if you’re not sure what it entails.

2. The System Is Struggling to Keep Temperature

If your system is constantly running and can’t seem to hit the target temperature on your thermostat you’re in trouble.

You should get the system diagnosed by a professional as soon as you notice that your heating or cooling systems aren’t working properly.

In some cases, it’s just a lack of maintenance but if your system is more than ten years old it’s more economical to have the whole thing replaced,

3. Your System Still Uses R-22

R-22 has been a standard refrigerant for decades. Unfortunately, it’s also due to be shelved entirely as of January 1st, 2020. If you had your air conditioner installed before 2015 it’s likely that it uses this form of refrigerant.

There are substitutes available but it can require extensive retrofitting and hurt the overall efficiency of your air conditioning unit.

Past experience has shown that when a gas is replaced the older gas becomes prohibitively expensive since the supply still in circulation is finite. If you’re having problems with a system that runs on R-22 it’s time to take a look at replacing the whole thing. 

5. Runaway Systems

Air conditioners and heaters are complex. There’s a ton of different bits and bobs of machinery and wiring inside.

They also have a tendency to fail incrementally. First, you find a leak in the refrigerant lines, then a fan goes down, then you find out you need a new start capacitor and then… well, sooner or later something critical breaks and you’ll have to replace the whole thing anyway.

If your system is starting to cascade and it’s out of warranty then you should be looking into a replacement.

6. Repairs Are Too Expensive

After a certain point, the repairs on a system get more expensive than just replacing the whole thing.

If you’re looking at a repair that’s more than 50% of the total cost of a new installation it’s time to get a replacement. Chances are the system is going to cause more problems soon and even if it doesn’t… why not just eliminate the problem entirely?

This is one of the most common reasons for replacement and it’s the main reason why any competent HVAC contractor will take a look at your system before they give you a price or their recommendation for how to proceed.

7. Weird Smells From Vents or Unit

Weird smells can indicate a wide range of different problems. Unfortunately, most of them are also going to be the effective end of your unit’s lifespan.

Dust being burnt off in a heater is the most common cause. It happens often during the first couple of heater cycles when the warm season ends. It should only persist for a short time if that’s the case.

Another problem can be dirty air filters which is an easy fix even for a complete novice.

On the other hand, it can also indicate mold in the ducting, burning electrical components, or other catastrophic failures. If you’re smelling something odd then it’s time to call a technician in before the problem escalates.

Needless to say, if your unit is smoking then you need to shut it off immediately and get it looked at.

8. Odd Humidity Levels

An air conditioning unit should dehumidify the air as a side effect of the way it operates. In climates with hot weather and high humidity, the difference is immediately noticeable when you enter a home or business where the AC is running.

If your air conditioner is no longer pulling humidity then there’s a serious problem. 

9. Climbing Energy Bills

In an ideal world, we’d get the same efficiency from our systems from the time of installation until they die.

Thermodynamics has a few things to say about that.

In the end, your system is going to start losing efficiency. That means more money spent on gas and electricity as the parts wear down and aren’t doing their job as efficiently.

Comparing on an annual basis is the best way to determine if it’s time to replace your HVAC system. The costs aren’t going to go back down, no matter how well you take care of the unit, so it’s up to you to decide the breaking point.

Your HVAC System and You

Repairs can be a cheaper option but in many cases, it’s simply time to opt for a complete replacement of your HVAC system. Spending a little bit more upfront can avoid costly repairs in the future and the inconvenience of having your home’s climate control out of commission.

Nothing is written in stone until a technician takes a look at your system, however, and the above are simply guidelines for those who may need a replacement.

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