How to Clean a Garage: The Best Tips and Tricks

There are two types of people when it comes to garages. Your garage is either a place of great pride and hobby exploration or it’s a cluttered, messy catch-all for any junk that doesn’t fit in your house.

No matter which type you are, every garage needs a good cleaning every so often. If that garage is full of clutter, it might need more than a sponge bath.

If you’re not sure how to clean a garage or where to start, use these tips as your guide.

1. Design Your Process

Before you leap into your garage cleanout, you need a plan. Start by deciding what your goals are.

Do you want to clean out dirt and grime? Do you want to get rid of clutter, or organize the garage? Maybe it’s all in one.

If you want to do it all, there’s a clear and simple process to use. Start by pulling everything out of the garage piece by piece. When you remove it, decide if you want to keep it, trash it, donate it, or sell it.

When the garage is empty, it’s time to break out the mop bucket and scrub it all down. After it’s clean and dry, carry in the items you want to keep, organizing them as you bring them back in.

2. Have an Option Ready to Take Away the Trash

If you’re decluttering, you’ll have more garbage than you expect, including large items. If you let it sit around without a way to get rid of it, it’ll work its way back into the garage.

Instead, hit the web and click site links to find options in your area. Depending on how much trash you think you’ll have, a dumpster or trash removal truck may be the most efficient options.

3. Get the Right Tools for Your Stains

If you’re one of the lucky ones, the grime in your garage will just be dirt and dust. That’s easy enough to get rid of with soap, water, and rags.

In many cases, though, there are more troublesome stains leaving their mark. To dig in, you need the right tools for the job.

If you have motor oil stains, a concrete degreaser is the best way to cut through. Removing paint stains from concrete is more challenging, and will require a scraper and a chemical paint stripper.

4. Organize with Safety and Usability in Mind

As you load everything back into your garage, your organizational scheme should be based on more than aesthetics.

First, prioritize safety, especially if you have kids or pets. Any dangerous chemicals should be in high cabinets with locks.

Second, take your convenience into consideration. The more often you use an item, the more accessible it should be in your newly organized cabinets.

Top Tips for How to Clean a Garage

We won’t lie: cleaning out your garage can be a tough, time-consuming chore. By reading up on the basics of how to clean a garage, though, you can make the whole task more efficient, more successful, and less work-intensive.

For more tips on taking care of your home, check out more articles on our blog.