This is What You Should Do When Your Roof is Leaking

If you discover that your roof is leaking, you want to fix the problem right away. Leaks left untreated can lead to mold and mildew problems, fire hazards, weakened structural integrity, and even higher utility bills. 

Even if you decide to call a professional to fix your roof, you can still do your best to mitigate the problem and lower your costs. Interested in learning more? Continue reading and we’ll walk you through what you should do the next time your roof is leaking.

Catch the Water

If water is just dripping onto your floor, then grab a bucket and use it to catch the falling drops. It’s also a good idea to throw some scrap wood into the bucket as a way to dampen the annoying sound of dripping. 

If you’re dealing with more than just some small drops, then move everything you can out of the path of the water. Use a thick, plastic sheet to cover items that are too heavy to move.

Drain the Water

Get up on a sturdy chair or ladder and puncture the water-damaged patch with a screwdriver. While you might be worried that this will only make things worse, not doing this could mean that more moisture will seep into your home.

In fact, if enough water pools, it may become so heave that your ceiling will sag or even collapse. And that’s going to lead to a whole lot more costly repairs. Patching up a small drainage hole is a lot cheaper and easier than replacing your ceiling.

Identify the Problem

Now, it’s time to figure what the source of the leak is. Water makes its way down flashing or trusses until it finds a weak point. The spot where the water is coming into the room isn’t necessarily near where the damaged part of your roof is. 

If you have access to your attic, start by going there in daylight hours. Turn the lights off and look up to see if you see any sunshine coming through. If you do, then that’s probably where the water is getting in through.

Check Your Shingles

There are several reasons why your roof might be leaking. First off, it could be due to the shingles. Your shingles might blow off your roof when there is hail or powerful winds.

When this happens, water can seep into your roof and makes it’s way to your ceiling and into your walls. Whenever you go to make roof repairs, you want to make sure that you’re doing it on a warm, sunny day. There are too many things that can go wrong in nasty weather.

If a whole shingle is missing, or even part of one, you’ll have to replace it. First, check if you have any leftover shingles stored away. If not, you’ll have to buy a bundle from a retailer. 

If you can’t find an identical match, choose the ones that look the closest.

How to Replace Your Shingles

In order to replace your shingles, you’ll need a flat pry bar, roofing nails, a hammer, a utility knife. Each shingle will be initially secured with four roofing nails. When the next shingle course is installed above, however, its nails will pass through the top edge of the shingles that are below. 

Start by removing the first row of nails by sliding the pry bar underneath the shingle that’s directly above the damaged one. Gently lift it so that it becomes freed from its sealer strip. You’ll see the first row of nails underneath it. 

Now, slide the pry bar under the broken shingle and pull it up. Then, press the shingle down and remove the nail. Do this for all of the nails for that shingle.

Then, push the pry bar under the shingle that’s above the damaged one and take out the second row of nails. After you’ve removed all eight nails, pull off the damaged shingle. 

Slide the new shingle up into place and use four roofing nails to secure it down.

Use Water

If you still can’t figure out where the leak is coming from, then you should try the water-test method. With this method, one person will stand up on the roof and hold a lengthy hose. They’ll then spray the roof in small sections until water starts dripping through again.

This can be useful to figure out where the leak is coming from. You can learn more here about leak problems too. 

Call a Professional

Sometimes, finding out where a leak is originating is too difficult for the average homeowner. From crumbling shingles to clogged gutters to weak flashing, there are so many reasons why your roof might be leaking.

If you’re still unsure about what the cause is or how to fix the problem, then you should call a professional and see what they suggest.

The Importance of Knowing What to Do When Your Roof Is Leaking

When your roof is leaking, you have to act fast. Do your best to assess the situation on your own and try to determine how serious it is. And if you think you can fix it on your own, then give it a shot.

However, if it seems too difficult or complicated, it’s always best to call a professional. The costs to fix a leaking roof will be preferred to the costs of replacing your ceiling and furniture.

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