Throw Your Old Garage in the Garbage: 5 Awesome Garage Ideas and Updates You Need in Your Life

Around one in four Americans say their garage is too cluttered to fit their car. 

Want to organize and get rid of the clutter in your garage? By upgrading your garage, you can increase the value of the house. Check out our awesome garage ideas!

Want to learn more? Keep reading to find out.

Awesome Garage Ideas: A Guide

From insulating your garage to upgrades on the floor, you’ll have a better space to work in. Have fun getting creative with your garage. 

1. Insulate Your Garage

If you insulate your garage, you can make the room cooler in the summer and keep it warmer during the winter.

Some kits allow you to apply the insulation yourself. This is helpful if you have an appliance out in your garage like an extra fridge or freezer.

There are polystyrene board kits that are useful. They are moisture resistant and a rigid type of insulation. Extra weight’s added to your door. Make sure your door opener can handle the pressure.

2. Flip-Down Doorstop

A mounted flip-down doorstop is helpful for when you’re bringing in groceries. If you need anything in the garage, slip the doorstop down rather than propping it open every few minutes. This will make grocery trips so much easier.

Also, consider converting your doorknob to a horizontal style handle. This will make it easier to push open the door instead of freeing up a hand to turn the knob.

If you’re in need to, consider a garage door repair.

3. Connect to the Wireless Network

Consider connecting the garage door to your home’s wireless network. This is a wise idea if your children leave the door open all the time. You can receive smartphone notifications when the door is open.

You can share access with people that need to get into your home as well.

4. Yellow Parking Strip

 A yellow plastic parking strip is useful for the garage. This will help your teenager park well before the wall. It’s also helpful for people who need to fit a large vehicle in a small garage.

5. Upgrading the Garage Floor

There are a few options for improving your garage floor. You could add a cover that sticks to the garage floor. Use an epoxy shield paint or install garage floor tiles.

Consider adding a garage door threshold seal. This will seal off any gaps to keep water out during heavy rainfall.

If you have a car that leaks oil, pick up an oil leak mat. This will soak up any extra oil and protect the floor.

Finally, check out this article we wrote about how to make your garage less cluttered.

Want to Learn More?

We hope you found this article helpful on awesome garage ideas. Whether you’re going to upgrade the door or insulate the garage, consider these fun projects.

Want to learn more? Check out this guide we wrote about organizing your garage!