How Long Do Solar Panels Last? A Complete Guide

Are you planning to install residential solar panels?

Nowadays, most American adults consider investing in solar panel installation. Most of them hesitate because of the steep upfront costs. It applies even when you become eligible for a tax credit.

For others, they might ask, “how long do solar panels last?” The answer is in this guide. Continue reading and learn the proper way of taking care of solar panels as well:

How Long Do Solar Panels Last?

On average, solar panels will last anywhere between 20 and 30 years. However,  they do not cease making electricity after reaching this duration. It means their energy production levels decreased significantly.

Solar panels will continue making electricity for decades. As long as external factors do not damage them, their energy production continues.

The reason for this longevity is the lack of moving components. After all, solar panel setups do not have fragile internal parts. In most cases, a poor racking setup will cause the system to fall apart after a long time.

How to Make Home Solar Panel Last

Now you the number of years before replacing solar panels. To ensure you make the most out of your investment, consider these solar panel tips. If you want more, click the linked guide for more info.

Look Out for Dirt and Debris Build-Up

As said above, solar panels do not need frequent cleaning. In most cases, the rain will take care of the dust. Snow melts quicker on the solar panels compared to the rest of your roof.

However, checking on the panels every few months ensures no residual dirt remains. When you find debris, use a hose for a light rinse. It is simple enough, but the number of years it adds to your panel lifespan is valuable.

Never go to the roof when cleaning the panels. It is unsafe, especially when you live in colder regions. Consider investing in a roof rake or a long-handled broom when your roof has a snow buildup.

Check for Rack and Roof Penetrations

Your solar panels remain mounted to the roof, thanks to the racking. Bolt penetrations hold your solar panel weight further. It guarantees structural integrity for your roof and solar power system.

These systems undergo extensive testing to ensure their durability. However, leaks will rarely happen. A regular inspection allows you to discover these issues before they become more severe.

Call your solar panel installation contractor for a repair. In most cases, their warranty covers the leaks. Never attempt to fix them without professional help since it might result in a mishap.

Inspect the Panels After Extreme Weather Events

Sometimes, panels break after a severe storm, tornado, or hurricane. Your solar power system will poorly perform when you do not address this issue. Check the panels’ appearance to diagnose system problems early.

When you find no noticeable damage, wait for a few days. Watch their performance and determine whether it declined. Some solar panel brands come with a mobile app to let you track energy efficiency in real-time.

You have no reason to delay your inspection. Your homeowner insurance covers your panels during severe weather conditions. Ask your contractor whether they can make the repairs or replacements.

Track the System

As mentioned above, solar panel systems have monitoring features. Most are online, allowing you to track your panels regardless of the frequency. Whether it is daily or weekly, you can rest easy with these applications.

Consider checking your solar panel condition online every few weeks. However, a daily check allows you to manage your solar power output better. You can detect any problems and report them before they get out of hand.

What to Look for in a Solar Power Company

The benefits and ease of maintenance make solar panels attractive as renewable energy sources. However, you will make the most out of your investment when you get the best solar company around. Here are some qualities to look out for:


Your chosen company must be an expert in solar energy system installation. The easiest method of determining their expertise is through passing a NABCEP test. It is the most comprehensive certification program in the country.

Another method is to check for solar company reviews. It is an alternative when the contractor lacks the NABCEP certification.

Licenses and Insurance

Solar installers must have the necessary business insurance policies and licenses. It means having a general electrical contractor license. After all, a C-10 license is a bare minimum to qualify as a solar contractor.

Track Record

Solar is a thriving industry, drawing experts from various backgrounds. Looking for a solar company with lots of experience and a consistent track record is tricky. Once you find a reputable company, you can rest easy, knowing they will finish your project.

Market Reputation

As said above, online reviews can help determine the company’s expertise. Most customers are vocal about their experience, whether it is excellent or poor. The latter serves as a warning, allowing you to avoid experiencing the same service.

Look for a pattern of customer complaints when browsing the reviews. When they are consistent across various past customers, consider working with another company.


Contractors offer varying ranges of warranties, from a year up to two decades. It covers all issues coming from an improper solar panel installation. For example, when a panel becomes loose, the warranty covers the repairs.

However, be wary when a new solar company offers extended warranties. Often, they promise a 25-year warranty policy to tempt you. You have no guarantee whether they will stick around long enough.

Consider Switching to Solar Power Now

Hopefully, our guide answered your question, “how long do solar panels last?” Use everything you learned to ensure your solar power system is at its peak condition.

You have a lot of other solar-related topics to study. Learn whether your location is eligible for a solar panel system. Otherwise, you will end up having an inefficient power source.

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