The Brief Guide That Makes Finding an Affordable Apartment Simple

It’s another long day at work, and you’re ready to get home and relax. As you turn the key and open the door, you immediately see a mess your roommates made.

You’re tired of this. However, you’ve been saving money for quite some time and now moving out is a viable option for you.

Finding an affordable apartment isn’t easy. It also isn’t impossible either. However, you’re not really sure where to begin.

Well, don’t worry about that. In this article, we’ll give you some things you should consider before landing your first apartment. Continue reading to learn more.


Do you know where you want to live? It’s probably one of the first things that you should figure out. The cost of living will be different in each state.

For example, the average cost of a two-bedroom apartment in Mississippi is $745, compared to New York, where it’s $1550. As you can see, that’s a huge price gap for the same apartment size.

Once you have a state figured out, picking an area within it is next. Think about your commute to work or grocery shopping. By being in a central enough location, you can eliminate unnecessary travel.

Upfront Costs

As a first-time renter, rent isn’t the only cost you need to worry about as you’re looking for an apartment. You’ll also need to consider expenses such as:

  • Security deposit
  • Application fee
  • Pet fee

On top of these costs, you’ll also need to factor in your monthly expenses like food or activities. So ensure that you have a few month’s worth saved up in the bank.

Other Potential Costs

Unfortunately, there are still more costs involved with having an apartment. Depending on the apartment you have and the amenities offered, you’ll need to prepare for other potential bills like:

  • Gas
  • Electricity
  • Internet
  • Water
  • Cell phone

It’s important to note that each of these bills can fluctuate throughout the year depending on usage rates. But they are an essential factor in determining how much you can afford to spend on rent.


As you’re looking for the best apartment, ask yourself what you can’t live without. Is it an on-site laundry or gym? Or would you rather have a community pool and an apartment with an outdoor balcony?

Various apartment communities offer different amenities depending on the price range. So try making a list, and see what’s most important to you.

Personal Touches

Most times, when you’re renting an apartment, you may not be able to change any physical features that it has. However, some landlords may not object to any work getting done.

Look at your apartment and look at some things you may want to change. If you want to get a jump start, look at the apartment’s floor plan. Visit for a better look.

Find an Affordable Apartment With Ease

Moving out and finding an affordable apartment can be daunting, but it’s not impossible. If you follow the tips above throughout your search, you’ll find the right place for you in no time.

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