4 Low Maintenance Plants For Beginners

Keeping indoor plants in the house is beneficial for everyone. Plant care is therapeutic and can boost your mental health. Certain plants can even help purify the air.

If you’ve been considering adding a few plants to your interior decoration, then it’s time to start deciding what type of plants you want. If you’re new to caring for plants, then you’ll need to find plants for beginners. Luckily, there are several indoor and outdoor plants that are ideal for even the worst plant caregiver. 

Looking for a list of low maintenance plants? Continue reading the guide below for 5 low maintenance plants you can place in your home or office today!

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera not only helps purify the air, but it also offers another benefit as well. When you break one of the Aloe Vera leaves off, it exposes the gooey contents inside of it. These contents are beneficial for sunburns, small scraps, and small burns also. 

You can simply break off a piece and rub it on your skin! These plants are also very low maintenance and almost impossible to kill. In fact, giving your Aloe plant too much attention can actually cause more damage than giving it too little. 

If you forget to water your Aloe Vera here and there, don’t panic. It’ll survive without a problem. 

2. Succulents

The Aloe Vera plant is a type of succulent. Succulents in general tend to need very little maintenance. Aloe Vera isn’t the only type of succulent you can find, however. 

There are many different types of succulents ranging in all different shapes and even colors. Unlike plants such as the stunning anthurium (more suited for experienced plant caretakers), no matter what type of succulents you purchase, they’ll be beautiful and should be easy to keep alive. 

3. English Ivy

English Ivy is beautiful and can thrive either inside or outside. It does well in even the harshest climates. It doesn’t require much sun, so it’ll do well in a home without a lot of sunlight. 

It does need to be watered on a regular basis, but it can go without if you do forget. You won’t need to worry about fertilizing this plant often either. 

4. Snake Plant

Another plant that does well with little to no light is the Snake Plant. You can place this plant in a room with no windows, and it’ll thrive. You can also place this plant in a room with indirect sunlight, and it’ll do well there also. 

If you have trouble remembering to water plants, then this is the one for you. Snake Plants can go several weeks without water and still live!

Consider These Low Maintenance Plants

If you’re new to caring for plants but want to start learning how, then consider these low maintenance plants. It’s always a good idea to start with the easy plants and then work your way up to more difficult ones. Either way, having plants in your home will brighten up the same and clean the air.

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