5 Signs It’s Time for an AC Replacement

Did you know that air conditioners use around 6% of all energy in the United States? Not only they are a huge use of resources nationwide, but they can also be one of your highest utility expenses in the household. So how do you save money on AC?

The truth is, an old system is an inefficient one. Read on as we give five signs that you need AC replacement vs AC repair. 

It Has Aged

The average lifespan for an air conditioner is around 15 years. After this, you will constantly be replacing parts and doing repairs. It is also likely that the manufacturer has stopped making the model, making parts harder and more expensive to source. 

Energy Bills Are High

Older systems were not designed with energy efficiency in mind. Air conditioner design has come on so much in the last five years alone, that the technology was just not around 10 or 15 years ago to save the energy new models do. Thus, if you run an old AC system your bills are likely to be higher. 

Even newer systems can become less efficient. They may need cleaning or have repairs that need to be addressed, This is why it is important to have your system checked regularly by an HVAC contractor

It Makes Lots of Noise

All AC units make some noise, though newer units will make less than others. If you find the noise has increased and it is distracting, then you probably have a problem in the unit itself. 

Usually, noise originates from the compressor or fan motor. The fan motor is the cheapest of these to fix. However, the compressor is an integral part of the unit and is much more expensive. 

The noises may sound like screeching or grinding metal. Call an AC technician to check which of these problems it might be. 

Moisture and Humidity Are Building

Your AC unit is not just there to keep you cool. It also removes humidity from the home. This is done by the evaporator coil, which takes warm air, cools it into a liquid then deposits it outside the home. 

When a problem occurs, the unit may not be able to take the humidity out of the air. As it is responsible for removing the heat as well, you will find that the home feels warmer and the AC is doing less. This also causes it to work overtime, resulting in higher energy bills. 

It Leaks Refrigerant

Refrigerant is the chemical integral to the process of removing heat from the home. If it starts leaking, you lose efficiency in your system. It can also be a dangerous chemical that may cause damage to the home. 

If you have an older system, it may not just be a case of repairing then fixing the refrigerant. Older chemicals are being phased out because of environmental concerns. 

AC Replacement Services

If you now believe you need AC replacement, the next step is finding a reputable expert to deal with. Check local reviews and ask around. A good technician will be able to let you know if it is worth repairing or you need a new unit entirely. 

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