4 Unique Tree Stump Ideas to Make Your Dead Tree Look Lively

If you have an old tree stump in your yard, it doesn’t have to be an eyesore. The good news is that with a little creativity, you can transform a tree stump into a pretty accent piece. All it takes is some time and effort!

Keep reading for some tree stump ideas that are sure to dress up your yard.

Showcase Holiday Decorations

A tree stump near the front of your yard can become the perfect place to display holiday decorations. When it comes to tree stump decorating ideas, this is one of the easiest ones to do.

Make your stump a platform for pumpkins and gourds during the fall, and add some fake cobwebs to dress it up for Halloween. You can add wooden signs and cornucopias heading into Thanksgiving.

During the winter holidays, your stump can become a throne for Santa Clause or the base for an artificial tree display. The options are endless, and you can rotate in new displays for each season!

Tree Stump Ideas Always Involve Building Something For Your Kids

A tree stump offers several possibilities sure to please your kids. It can become the foundation for a fairy house. You can build the house with your kids or for them, and you can use any natural materials from your yard.

Another option is to create a playscape. If your stump is tall enough, you can attach a slide to it or place a sandbox next to it. Or you could score and stain the top of the surface to turn it into a surface for tic-tac-toe or checkers!

Create a Bird Sanctuary

Turning your tree stump into a bird sanctuary is another way to liven up the space. Build a birdhouse on top, or anchor some bird feeders to the stump. 

You’ll love looking out the window and seeing the activity as birds visit your space during the spring and summer. If you want the best tree stump garden ideas, look no further than birdhouses!

Make Your Tree Stump the Base of an Outdoor Table

If your stump is tall enough, convert it into the base for a table. You can attach a rustic slab of wood to the top and add some outdoor seating around it. Plant some pretty grasses between the space and the rest of your yard, and you’ll have an inviting outdoor gathering spot.

Just be sure to bolt the tabletop to a sturdy part of the stump so it can withstand the elements. And if you have any concerns about whether keeping your stump is safe for your yard or the trees around it, it’s always smart to talk to the experts. Stump Boy can take a look at your situation and any other trees you’re concerned about.

Let the Creative Juices Flow

Having to cut down a tree is never fun, but you can make the most of the stump that’s left behind with a little creativity. Investigate some tree stump ideas and see what works best for your yard. You might be surprised by how many ways you can dress up a stump.

When you’re ready to find new design ideas for your space, check back for more great articles!