5 Common Furnace Problems Homeowners Encounter

Fall is here, and we all know what that means: It’s almost time for us to crank up our furnaces and hunker down for the winter!

Are you confident that your furnace is working properly? Are you worried about whether or not it will turn on or function properly as the weather continues to get colder?

Regardless of your answer to those questions, be sure to keep an eye out for these 5 common furnace problems. That way, if you notice anything questionable, you can address it right away.

1. Dirty or Clogged Air Filter

A dirty or clogged air filter is one of the most common furnace issues people face, especially during seasonal transitions.

Failure to replace or clean your air filter can contribute to many other furnace problems. It can also increase indoor air pollution, which often exacerbates allergies, asthma, and other health conditions.  

2. Flickering Pilot Light

If the pilot light on your gas furnace is flickering or is oddly colored, that can be a sign that you have high amounts of carbon monoxide inside. This problem can lead to carbon monoxide leaks inside your house if it’s not addressed right away. 

3. Malfunctioning Blower Belt

If the blower belt of your furnace is fraying or broken, you’ll hear a high-pitched squealing sound coming from the furnace as it’s running. Replacing the belt will improve your furnace’s efficiency and get rid of that irritating noise.

4. Frequent Cycling

When the furnace seems to constantly be running or kicks on right after finishing a cycle, that can be a sign that the air filter is clogged or that the furnace itself isn’t running as efficiently as it should. A professional can diagnose the exact issue and correct it. 

5. Lack of Air Flow

If it seems that no air is flowing from the furnace at all, that might point to a blockage in the blower. The sooner you get that taken care of, the more airflow (and heat) your house will receive.

What to Do About Furnace Issues?

If you notice any of these furnace problems, act sooner rather than later.

If you wait too long to talk to a professional about repairing your furnace or replacing a furnace altogether, you may find yourself waiting a long time to get the help you need. You may also have to spend more money than you would have if you’d tried to address the problem right away.

Even if an issue seems mild, it’s generally best to contact a professional for an evaluation. Unless you have a background in furnace repair, you could end up making the problem worse by trying to tackle it yourself. 

Are You Facing Furnace Problems?

Home furnace problems aren’t uncommon, but they are frustrating, especially when the weather starts to take a turn for the cold.

Are you dealing with any of the residential furnace issues listed above? If so, reach out to a professional right way to get them sorted before you and your family find yourselves huddling around the fireplace to stay warm.

For more information on furnace repair and other types of home maintenance, be sure to check out the Home Advice section of our site today as well.