4 Changes You Can Make To Your House To Have A More Sustainable Home

Around 65% of people in the United States claim that they want to purchase clean items and live more sustainably.

Living sustainably involves reducing your carbon footprint and the use of natural resources.

If you want to help the environment, one of the best places to start making changes is in your home.

Continue reading to discover the best ways that you can turn your home and environment into a sustainable life!

1. Get Recycled Decorations

If you want to live in a more eco-friendly way, purchasing sustainable home decor can help!

Home decorations made with recycled materials are becoming easier to find and more unique. You can get a variety of items for your home that use old plastics, metals, and fabrics. By reusing these materials, you are leaving a smaller carbon footprint and living sustainably.

By doing a simple search online, you can find local or large businesses that contribute to society by recycling.

2. Grow a Garden

A sustainable home design is incomplete without a full garden of produce.

Adding a garden to your home will help you live a more sustainable life by reducing your carbon footprint. You will have to make fewer trips to the store to buy fruits and veggies.

Every trip you take you are using gas in your vehicle and affecting the environment. Not only does your vehicle impact the environment, but so do the trucks that transport all of the produce. Growing a garden will help keep your soil and body healthy.

The best part about having a garden is that you can see your work and enjoy the results.

3. Use Alternative Sources of Energy

If you want to reduce your family’s carbon footprint, you should consider investing in cleaner energy.

Many GoodLeap homes utilize solar energy, which is much safer for the environment. Solar energy is much cleaner than traditional fossil fuels and doesn’t destroy the planet. Wind, hydro, and geothermal are other popular forms of energy that you can utilize.

You will have to consider the environment that you live in before deciding on a source of energy. For example, hydro energy is recommended in areas near water and wind energy is only efficient in breezy locations.

4. Monitor Water Usage

Many areas in the United States and around the globe are dealing with water shortages.

To live a more sustainable life, you should monitor your water usage. Avoid taking long showers and keeping the sink running while you do something else. Using too much water adds to the shortage and can have long-term effects on the environment.

People are recommending getting water-efficient toilets to save water. You can also lower settings on washing machines and dishwashers to help reduce usage.

Build a Sustainable Life at Home

If you want to live a sustainable life, there are many things that you can do.

By utilizing this guide, you can take your first steps to become more sustainable at home. An eco-friendly life can be rewarding when you see the impact you are making in your environment.

Don’t be afraid to make changes along the way, each step makes a difference and helps the planet.

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about sustainable home builders and your dream home!