How to Create the Best Home Garden: A Basic Guide

Did you know that there’s actual research out there that shows that gardening makes you happier? It’s true. Gardening can help boost your happiness and also help you deal with adverse situations. Therapists often recommend it for patients who have suffered the loss of someone close to them. 

If you’re considering taking up gardening as a hobby, there’s no time like the present. With a little research, some patience, and a learning curve, you can have the best home garden in your neighborhood. 

Read on for our tips on how to get started. 

Decide What Type of Garden You Want 

The first step in our “how to garden” guide is to decide what you want to grow. Do you want a vegetable garden? Herb garden? Or are you more interested in growing flowers? 

Decide what you want to grow first, as this will dictate what types of supplies you need, where you’ll put your garden, and how you should plant. 

If it’s winter or too late in the season to plant a garden, but you really want to grow something, you could always opt for a hydroponic system.

Decide on a Location 

Before you decide where to put your garden, observe your yard for a day and make note of the areas that get the most sun. Most fruit and vegetable plants and flowers need 6-8 hours of sun per day, so decide accordingly.

You also might want to consider how close your garden is to a water source, such as your hose spigot or irrigation system. You don’t want to have to lug a watering can all over your yard to water your garden. 

Prepare Your Garden Bed

To prepare your garden bed, clear the area of any grass, weeds, rocks, sticks, etc. Churn up the first 6-8 inches of soil to help your plants take root and get access to the water and nutrients that they need in order to grow. 

If you are worried about unwanted visitors to your garden, such as rabbits, deer, or other animals, you might also consider putting a chicken wire barrier around the garden to ensure that nothing can get inside.

Choose Your Plants and Start Planting

Once your bed is ready, it’s time to choose your plants and start planting. You could review plant catalogs or just go right to your local nursery or garden store. 

If you are planting flowers, pick things that will grow well in your region. Pay attention to the plant tags and make sure they will get the appropriate amount of sun and shade in your garden bed. 

If you are planting vegetables, make sure you are planting at the right time (if you live in a cold area, you want to plant once you know there won’t be any more freezes or frosts in your area). 

Once you have selected what you want to plant, it’s time to start planting. Dig holes based on the directions on the plant tag and place your flowers, seeds, or young veggie or fruit plants into your garden. Water as directed and have a little patience to see how your garden grows. 

Use These Tips to Create the Best Home Garden

To grow the best home garden in the neighborhood, you’ll experience a bit of a learning curve in most places. Learning what grows best, how much water your plants need, and what type of soil or fertilizer to use. Be patient and take notes on what worked and what didn’t year to year so you can improve your garden the next season. 

Did you find our gardening tips helpful? If so, be sure to check out some of our other home and lifestyle tips.