Blooming Buds: 8 Flower Garden Design Ideas

When spring is in the air, it is time to start your flower gardens.

Over 77 percent of Americans are now gardening, and that percentage will only increase over the next few years. With this increase of interest in gardening, designing the perfect flower bed is a fun pastime.

Flower garden design is an easy way to add a beautiful pop of color to your landscape. And the perfect design can completely change the look of your property.

Below, we present eight of our favorite flower garden designs, and how you can implement them on your own.

1. Outdoor Garden “Room”

No need to build anything for this room. The garden room can be as simple as a cozy bench or chair with some outdoor cushions, tucked away behind an archway or a breezy curtain.

For something a little more spectacular, furniture for your garden can be a wonderful, inviting touch.

2. Desert Garden

In the right climate, a desert-themed garden can be positively breathtaking.

Elegant cacti and cute succulents pair well with dry, hot climates. These plants are fairly self-sufficient and don’t require much in the way of care.

Exercise caution when handling any type of cacti or spiked plant by wearing thick garden gloves.

3. Tulip Garden

These beloved flowers are around for a short time, but pack a punch of color when they are in bloom. Delicate tulips are available in a wide range of colors and are striking whether you plant a mix of colors or bold color blocks.

Throw in a handful of low to the ground plants to help connect the tulips to the ground, and you have a stunning flower bed.

4. Cottage Garden

Cottage gardens are the perfect collection of flowers for those who can’t decide on a single theme. Cottage gardens are a wonderful collection of flowers with a touch of the freedom of wildflowers.

And because cottage gardens can range from large, open spaces to pots in small corners, this is one of our favorite flower garden designs for small spaces.

5. Woodland Garden

Woodland gardens are wonderful for shady spots. Tucked among trees and the natural landscape, shade-thriving flowers add beautiful color to an otherwise dull space.

6. Formal Garden

If precision is your cup of tea, a formal garden is right up your alley.

Precise lines of shrubbery, elegant roses, and perfectly mulched beds make for a fantastic getaway. A lovely spot for a garden party.

7. Wildflower Garden

For those who love their flowers, but do not have much time to dedicate to their beds, a wildflower garden is a great hands-off design.

Wildflower seeds and seedlings can be found in plenty of nurseries. Plus, you can find plenty of wildflowers around your property.

8. Front Yard Garden

Do not hide those flowers away! A front yard garden is a blessing for the whole neighborhood. Plus, the right plants can attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees to your beds.

Time to Plan Your Flower Garden Design

Now that you have plenty of inspiration for your flower garden design, it is time to get those plants in the ground.

Our site has a bounty of great gardening tips and tricks. Plus, our real estate section has plenty of great articles for homeowners.