5 Signs You Need Roofing Services

In 2020, the value of the roofing industry in the United States alone reached $26 billion. Experts project this to grow further as a result of the rising number of new constructions.

However, the demand for roofing repairs and maintenance exceeds those for new installations. After all, there are over 139.68 million existing houses in the US. Roofing services benefit these homes by helping preserve the integrity of their roofs.

On that note, we came up with this guide listing the top indications to have your roof serviced. Read on to know the signs so that you can prevent early roof failure.

1. You Want Your Roof to Last Long

Asphalt shingle roofs last for about two decades, while wood-shake roofs last for up to 30 years. Copper, slate, and tile are among the longest-lasting, providing up to 50 years of service.

However, for roofs to last as long as they should, they need routine maintenance. Therefore, one of the best reasons for roofing services is to improve the longevity of your roof.

2. Your Roof Is Old

Speaking of lifespans, you can also use your roof’s age as a basis for when to get roofing services. For example, you can opt for roof coating or sealing rather than re-roofing. If a roofer gets to apply these before any major damage occurs, you might not have to get a pricey new roof.

If you’re not sure how old your roof is, get in touch with your local government. All 50 US states have laws that give the public a right to obtain building records from the government. You can use this to your advantage to help you determine the age of your roof.

3. Ugly Water Stains on Your Ceiling

Ceiling water stains are among the most common signs of an old roof or one that leaks. These discolorations on ceilings indicate moisture penetration in the roof. The ugly marks may spread to your walls, too, if the leak is directly above or near the ceiling-to-wall joints.

Schedule your roof for repair services as soon as you notice these stains. By getting them patched up now, you can reduce the risks of further damage to your roof, ceiling, and walls.

4. Broken Roof Parts on the Ground

Broken shingles, tiles, or other roof parts are not only ugly; they’re also leaks waiting to happen. Most homeowners encounter these damaged components on the ground after inclement weather.

So, as soon as the weather permits, have a licensed roofer inspect your roof. This way, they can replace the damaged and missing parts before your roof develops leaks.

5. Your Energy Bills Have Gone Through the Roof

According to this Greeley roofing guide, higher energy bills can indicate roof defects. For instance, roof leaks can introduce moisture into your attic or ceiling insulation. Over time, the dampness or wetness can degrade the insulation materials.

Damaged insulation, in turn, is no longer efficient in preventing heat transmission. As a result, more of the sun’s heat and warm air penetrates your home in the summer, and more cold air enters in the winter. Moreover, conditioned air from your heater or air conditioner escapes through the roof.

If your energy bills keep rising even with a well-maintained HVAC system, it may be your roof to blame. Leaks are common in old roofing systems and those often subjected to harsh weather. If any of these sound familiar, get in touch with a local roofing specialist ASAP.

Don’t Delay Crucial Roofing Services

You don’t have to wait for your roof to sustain damages before investing in roofing services. You can schedule it at least once a year for routine cleaning and maintenance. If you believe your roof has dents, missing parts, or leaks, though, that’s all the more reason to call up a roofer ASAP.

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