5 Signs You Need to Call Pest Control Immediately

There is an estimated 10 quintillion insects alive. Beyond insect species, there are a variety of other animals that can cause issues in the home. When we find an uninvited visitor in our homes, it can be scary and cringe-worthy.

This is why it is important to be aware of the signs that there is a pest problem before it gets completely out of hand. Read on to find out five signs you need to call pest control!

1. Pest Droppings

One of the signs that you may need to contact pest control services is pest droppings. The sight of these is likely to make your skin crawl. These could be located inside or outside of your home. 

Specialists from a qualified pest control company can easily identify the droppings. From there, they can point you in the right direction as far as what actions need to be taken.

2. Dead Bugs

Even more unpleasant than droppings, you may discover one or more dead bugs. Finding dead bugs is one of the most apparent signs of pests. If you are finding these creepy crawlers often, then you may have an infestation.

One of the most common signs of bed bugs is finding dead bugs or shells in your bed. Sounds like a nightmare, right? Have a look for other signs of these pests.

3. Strange Sounds

Hearing strange sounds from crawl spaces, attics, basements, walls, or floors is more difficult to spot, but an obvious sign of pests. Scraping, scratching, the patter of feet, and so on are all indicators of a pest.

These sounds are usually due to pests such as rats or termites. However, there are plenty of other pests that can create these sounds. Some of the best pest control services will have no problem locating the culprit.

4. Wood Damage

Regularly inspecting the outside of your home is a good routine to put into place. The exterior of your home is your first defense against unwanted visitors.

Termites feast on wood. Look out for pinholes, tunneling, and discarded wings. These pests will stay hidden, but they leave a trail of destruction. Termites create infestations very quickly, so it’s best to call a pest control company near me as soon as you can.

5. Damage to Interior

If you have pets, this might be one of the more difficult things to notice. Rats or mice can cause major damage to your home’s interior and furnishings. Be on the lookout for damages to drywall, insulation, and baseboards.

Rodents will most commonly make their nest in the attic, basement, kitchen, and garage. Any out of the ordinary damage to these areas is worth having a pest control specialist come out to inspect.

Call Pest Control

These five signs are some of the most common symptoms of pest infestations. If you notice any of these, call pest control immediately. It is much easier to take care of pests before they become an actual infestation.

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