4 Common Insulation Mistakes to Avoid for Homeowners

Did you know that as a homeowner you can save 15% on your heating and cooling costs if you add insulation in your attic, basement rim joists, and crawl spaces? With winter right around the corner, you might be looking to save money and still stay warm. One of the best ways to ensure that you save money on electricity is to avoid some common insulation mistakes many people make. 

Keep reading to learn what these top mistakes are. 

1. DIY Spray Foam Insulation

If you opt for foam insulation you want to stay away from tackling this project on your own. The best thing to do is to hire a certified professional that has experience spraying the foam with the proper equipment. Spray foam gives off a certain gas therefore when it is sprayed the person spraying has to wear a protective suit.  

2. Overstuffing 

Sometimes homeowners attempt to stuff too much insulation in an effort to lower their electric bill or to keep their house warmer or cooler. The truth is that if you overstuff insulation into a tight space it will compress the tiny air pockets that allow most insulation materials to work. The way that fiberglass insulation works is that those small air pockets slow down temperature change and not the fiberglass itself. 

In other words, overstuffing will defeat the purpose of adding insulation to your home. 

For a business that really wants to make sure that their building is well insulated you can invest in blanket insulation and shield from a reputable source, you can visit shannonglobalenergy.com for more information. This can help you save money on energy in the future.  

3. Air Sealing

Another common mistake is not air sealing the insulation. One of the main culprits of energy inefficiency is air leaks. When you air seal your insulation it will give you peace of mind that your home will stay warm in the cold winter months and cool in the hot summer days.  

4. Not Sealing the Attic Floor

If you are insulating the attic to help you save money on future electric bills you can’t forget to air seal the attic as well. Take the time to air seal every single opening that comes through the attic floor. 

You can use either caulk or an expanding foam to help you fill any holes or cracks in your attic. Keep a close eye on the area in between the attic framing and the chimney ducts. Also, make sure that you pay attention to the soffit openings and the openings that house the ductwork, the plumbing, and the wiring.  

Ready to Avoid These Insulation Mistakes?

Now that you have our top insulation mistakes you can move forward with your own insulation project and rest assured that you will be set because you won’t make any of the mistakes above. 

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