5 Fall Landscaping Tips Your Lawn Will Love

Want to increase your home’s worth? If so, you might want to look into landscaping—it can easily add value to your property!

For example, you can plant some trees. Not only will they add shade, but they can also give you a bit of privacy. Some might even provide you with fruit!

If anything, you just want to remember to maintain the landscape. 

Need some fall landscaping tips for your lawn? If so, you’re on the right page. We’ll be going over some of them below. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Fall Landscaping Tips to Maintain Your Curb Appeal 

There are several things that you can do to maintain your curb appeal during the fall. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Get Rid of Fallen Leaves 

Fallen leaves might look nice at first but they can quickly turn into a problem. For one thing, they can become slippery once they start to decay.

Given that, you might want to collect the leaves using a lawn sweeper or leaf blower. It’s also a good idea to remove them from the house gutters—the last thing that you want is for them to be clogged!

2. Add Some Color 

Just because it’s fall doesn’t mean that you have to give up on bright colors.  For example, you can decorate the yard with colorful vases or decorations.

Planters are a good option as well. You can place them on your porch or to the inside of your windows, where they’ll catch the attention of visitors.

3. Fertilize Your Lawn and Plants 

It’s important to fertilize your grass and plants in the fall. That way, they’ll have the nutrients that they need for winter.

More specifically, it’ll help to promote healthy, stable roots. In doing so, it’ll be more resistant against winter stresses such as snowstorms and freezing temperatures.

Need some help with that in the Portland area? Consider searching “Yard Care Portland” on Google!

4. Prevent Weed Growth 

Fall is an ideal time to get rid of weeds. Why? They’re in energy-absorbing mode rather than growing mode. In other words, they’ll be easier to remove.

For example, you can apply a herbicide—that’ll help prevent them from popping up again during the spring.

5. Aerate Your Lawn 

Aerating your lawn in the fall will allow nutrients, oxygen, and water to penetrate the soil. That’ll help your grass’ roots to store the nutrients that they need to survive the winter months.

It’s not that difficult either. All you have to do is punch holes in the soil with a spike aerator.

Landscaping in the Fall 

And there you have it—5 fall landscaping tips. As you can see, there are several things that you can do to boost your curb appeal!

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