How to Protect Your Property and Home: A Guide

Congratulations on purchasing your new home! Now, how can you ensure it’s safe from intruders? 

The reality is there are plenty of easy steps on how to protect your property from theft. Whether it’s a state of the art security system or a more budget-friendly option that won’t break the bank, the choice is yours.

With such a large amount of options on the market, how can you choose the right one for you? 

Learn about the most popular ways you can protect your home from theft. 

A Quick Guide on How to Protect Your Property

When it comes to protecting your property, it’s recommended to start with one or two of these options. Once implemented, create a timeline to add in additional home protection.

Update Your Locks

When you first move into a new house, or if you’ve been there for over 7 years, it’s time to assess and update your locks.

Upon moving into a home, you should always update any exterior locks in the home and rekey your locks. This will prevent people who may still have keys from entering the property.

Every 7 years (or less), do a quick assessment of the exterior locks. Check to see if any are damaged or can be easily picked and bumped open. Replace any of those with a more tamper-proof version.

Create a Safe Neighborhood

Protecting your property goes hand in hand with creating a safe neighborhood.

Working together as a community, you can form a neighborhood watch to look out for one another.

You can also improve the lighting around the neighborhood because a well-lit street can scare off potential burglars.

Install an Alarm System

Alarm systems have come a long way over the past decade. Whether it’s a basic DIY system or a professional alarm monitoring solution, there are plenty of home security options for all budgets and protection levels. 

It’s recommended that you choose an alarm system that offers remote capabilities. That will allow you to view live feeds, receive alerts, and do more things both on-site and remote.

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance is a more pricey option, but can definitely give peace of mind.

It’s recommended to use a security camera with a mobile app. The app will allow you to see real-time footage and store it, should you ever need to show the police. 

Consider adding fake cameras under motion sensor lights or near doorways if the real deal isn’t within budget. 

Home Security Can Be Simple

Using this guide on how to protect your property can make it easy to get your home security in place right after you purchase it.

Decide which options are most important to start investing in, and then make a roadmap to add in the rest later. 

For more articles like this, visit the rest of our site. If you have a great home security tip we missed, let us know in the comments.