Cleaning House Furniture? Here’s How to Do It and Make Sure It Stays Clean, Too!

If you are doing a deep clean of your house then giving your furniture a once over is also necessary. Cleaning house furniture doesn’t have to be a hassle though.

Keep reading to learn more about how to easily clean your furniture.

1. Vacuum

Start by using your hand vacuum or upholstery brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner to clean any dirt or debris that has collected on your furniture surface.

Make sure to get into all the crevices so you can get all the crumbs, pet hair or dirt that might have accumulated. If there are detachable cushions, remove them so you can vacuum each side.

2. Wipe Down Wood and Metal

Next, you need to wipe down any wood or metal furniture legs and any other parts of your furniture that is not made out of fabric.

For best results use a solution of mild detergent and warm water to avoid staining your piece of furniture.

3. Tackle Any Stains

Now it is time to tackle any stains that might have gotten on your furniture. You can use a commercial cleaner or make your own solution from ingredients you may already have at home, depending on what type of material it is made of.

Check the labels on your furniture to determine what type of detergent is safest.

Use this easy to follow guide for reading the code on your tags:

  • W = water-based detergent
  • S = dry cleaning solvent – avoid using a water-based product
  • WS = a water-based or dry cleaning solvent is safe to use
  • X = professional cleaning service only (vacuuming is still safe)

Also, be sure to consider these codes on the tag when purchasing furniture. You may only want items that can be cleaned easily if you have younger children and/or pets.

Before cleaning the stain, dip some detergent onto a sponge and rub it on an inconspicuous location either on the back or bottom of the furniture. Then use a cloth to dry the spot and let it dry completely. This way you can determine if the detergent will discolor your furniture and seek the help of a professional instead.

If your mixture doesn’t discolor your upholstery then it’s safe to move on and begin cleaning the stains the same way you tested the detergent. For tough stains, allow the detergent to sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it out.

4. Dry It Off

After you have tackled all the stains on your furniture it’s time to let it dry out. Use a dry towel to soak up any areas that have excess water on the surface and then let it air dry.

You can also move your pieces in front of the window to let the sun help dry it out. This is a perfect opportunity for some carpet cleaning since your furniture will be out of the way.

Learn More Today About the Best Ways for Cleaning House Furniture!

Hopefully, this quick guide on the best way to go about cleaning house furniture will help you get started with your deep cleaning project.

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