Top 4 Energy Efficient Home Design Trends in 2020

Both the financial cost and environmental cost of energy are rising. Many homebuyers and homeowners want to improve the energy efficiency of their homes to make them less expensive and to reduce their impact on the environment.

There are a few up-and-coming design trends that will make homes more efficient and sustainable in the years ahead.

Continue reading below to find out what the top energy efficient home design trends are in 2020, and what you should look to include in your home if you want to sell.

1. Heat Pumps and Water

A heat pump is one recommended way to heat a house by providing consistent heat and energy savings. A heat pump simply works by exchanging outside air for inside air. The energy is taken from the air outside and transferred indoors.

Electric heat pumps are more efficient than other forms of heating. It’s also the most commonly installed energy-efficient heating system in houses today. Water systems are another area to save energy.

Hot water heaters can place a huge burden on your energy bills if they are working inefficiently. Make sure you have a hot water heater repair or service.

2. Daylight

Using daylight instead of artificial lighting is a great way to save energy in your home.

The kitchen and living areas are often the highest electricity usage areas. Add a skylight or ceiling window layout for more natural daylight to get in, and you won’t have to turn on the light switch as often.

3. Low-Flow Bathroom Fixtures

Bathrooms are another area that uses a lot of energy. Many households use a lot of water each day without even realizing it. Installing low-flow bathroom fixtures can help in saving water and therefore saving energy.

Most homeowners won’t even notice a difference when switching to low-flow bathroom fixtures from normal bathroom fixtures.

4. Solar Panels

If you are wanting to install renewable energy resources, solar panels are one of the most popular renewable energy sources to install in the house.

If you are looking to sell your house, it is useful to have one source of renewable energy installed in your house as this will make the sale easier. Many home buyers are millennials who are interested in helping the environment and saving energy. Millennials are more likely to invest in a house that is fitted with renewable energy resources like solar panels.

Start Your Energy Efficient Home Design Today!

Many homeowners and homebuyers are wanting to make a positive impact and contribution to the global environmental crisis. Saving energy and using renewable energy resources is a major step toward reversing the damage already done by previous generations.

Homes that have an energy efficient home design will sell faster than homes that have a poor energy efficiency rating. It is in everyone’s best interest to invest in fixtures and designs that can save energy and help to save the environment.

For more information on reducing your carbon footprint or renewable energy resources, take a look at the other articles on our blog.