3 Common Household Health and Safety Issues That You Should Fix Now

Think that you’re keeping your home clean? You might think you’re doing a good job by washing the carpets and sprucing up the rooms, but not everything may be as it appears on the surface.

If it’s one thing that a house is good at, it’s hiding potential hazards in places you wouldn’t expect. These safety issues can lie in waiting for months or even years, building up until they create catastrophic results.

This could happen in your house, as well…but it doesn’t have to. By protecting yourself from these hazards and conducting home safety measures, you will have the highest level of protection against these home-based problems.

Here are just a few things that you should keep an eye out for, and how you can prepare yourself to fight back before disaster strikes.

1. Safety issues with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

It’s hard to hit what you can’t see…or in this case, smell.

Carbon monoxide is a dangerous chemical, and it’s become increasingly common in households, especially older homes. The chemicals can take to the air and cause problems with your breathing and with your health.

At minimum, it can cause headaches and dizziness, and in dangerously higher doses it can cause extreme sickness and even death. And the worst part is that you can’t even smell the fumes.

Set up a carbon monoxide sensor so you can keep track of the levels in your home and be aware of and prepared for what’s happening.

2. Issues with Dirty Air Ducts

Most people generally ignore taking care of their air ducts, which could obviously turn into a very big problem.

Your air ducts are responsible for purifying the dirty, stale air in your house and giving you fresh, clean air to breathe. This is good for you, but taking the impurities from the air makes the ducts dirty.

If you don’t clean them, they will conduct poorly, wear down from overworking, or even cause a house fire, all of which can be avoided by simply cleaning them out.

By paying for air duct cleaning in Austin, Texas, you can make sure your ducts stay in optimal condition to do their job while keeping your house – and your family – safe.

3. Dangerous Refrigerator Magnets

Magnets are usually a helpful thing to have around the house, but when children are around they can become a major problem.

It’s a known fact that kids love to put things in their mouths. Ingesting magnets has always been pretty high on the list of things to eat, but it’s become even more dangerous with the introduction of small, loose magnets.

If you happen to have magnets on your fridge or hanging around the house, you’ll want to be cautious when you have them around the kids.

For A Better Home

Now that you know how to handle the safety issues present in your home, why not take it one step further and find other ways to boost up your home?

We have all of the tips and tricks that you need to make sure your home stays in top condition. There’s tons of info on interior design tips, handling DIY projects, professional home advice, and so much more.

Ready to make your home amazing? Come on and check us out. We’re sure we have something for you here.