Things That Bite in the Night: How to Keep Bed Bugs Away from Your Home

Imagine having an unexpected visitor in your home that can lay up to 200 eggs in her lifetime.

Pretty gross, huh? That’s just one of the creepy facts about bed bugs.

If you’re like most homeowners, you want to know how to keep bed bugs away. Rest easy and check out these five ways to keep those pesky bugs away from your home!

1. Vacuum Your Floors

Bed bugs like to hide in carpets. You need to vacuum all your floors thoroughly on a regular basis to eliminate bed bugs. After you’re finished, be sure to remove the vacuum bag and seal it in a garbage bag. Dispose of the bag in an outdoor trash can to prevent the critters from escaping.

2. Declutter Your Home

Wondering how to stop bed bugs? Another great tip is to declutter your home. Reducing the number of hiding spaces can make them easier to find. If you do find bed bugs while you’re cleaning up, an experienced pest control company like KingwoodFullScopePest can take on the task of ridding your home. 

3. Check Your Pets

You need to be sure to check your pets when inspecting for bed bugs. The dog or cat bed can be a breeding ground for bed bugs. The warm crevices can become home for the bugs to lay eggs and feed.

Make sure that you wash pet bedding regularly with high heat. This can kill any bugs that are on the bedding.

4. Mattress Maintenance

Want to know how to keep bed bugs from biting you? Performing regular mattress maintenance. You need to regularly inspect your mattresses, including all the small crevices, for bed bugs.

Installing bed bug monitors can help you recognize when you have an infestation.  These monitors can help you prevent bed bug bites by preventing them from making their way onto the bed. You will also want to have a mattress cover, box spring cover, and pillowcases on all beds. This will help prevent these pesky bugs from finding hiding spots.

5. Prevention While Traveling

Your home may be free of bed bugs, but if you spend time traveling, you run the risk of bringing those pesky bugs home with you. There are ways to keep bed bugs away while traveling:

  • examine your hotel room
  • look under the mattress and other furniture
  • check luggage when repacking 
  • put all the clothes in the dryer as soon as you get home 

Bed bugs aren’t the type of souvenirs that you want to bring home. Be sure to prevent them at all costs.

How to Keep Bed Bugs Away From Your Home

Bed bugs are uninvited guests that can be difficult to get rid of. However, following these simple tips will show you how to keep bed bugs away!

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