7 Stunning Green Home Design Trends for 2021 and Beyond

More and more people are becoming interested in sustainable home design. As concern around climate change has grown, the idea of having an eco-friendly house has also gotten more appealing.

As a result, many people who are buying or building their first home are looking into elements of green homes design. Advances in technology have brought several new green design trends to the forefront in recent years.

Read on to learn about seven of the most popular green home design trends for modern houses.

1. Go Solar

One of the first steps toward green home design is the installation of solar panels. Solar energy is sustainable and environmentally friendly; using solar power will also save you money on your electricity bills!

The amount of solar power your system can generate depends on your home’s location and how much sun it gets, so keep that in mind when building a new home. 

2. Use Bamboo

Sustainable materials are a must in an eco-friendly home. One material that has been particularly popular of late is bamboo. Bamboo looks great and can be used in everything from fabrics to flooring.

It also grows fast and is very hardy, making it highly sustainable.

3. Smaller Homes

If you want a smaller carbon footprint, consider a smaller home. So-called tiny homes are far more efficient than regular homes–for instance, they’re much easier to heat, leading to lower energy consumption.

Tiny homes are also easy to transport and cost a lot less than a full-sized house.

4. Energy Star Appliances

When it comes to green house design, efficiency is the name of the game. Buying efficient appliances can make a huge impact on your pollution production–and it’ll save you money on energy bills too.

Look for appliances that are Energy Star certified.

5. Go Green by Gardening

Planting flowers, vegetables, and trees is a fun and therapeutic hobby for many people; it’s also an important aspect of eco-friendly house design. Growing food is a great practice for sustainability.

Make sure the things you’re planting are right for your climate, or else the extra maintenance they need will undercut their benefits.

Many of the homes available through Idaholegacy.com have land that is perfect for gardening!

6. Utilize Smart Tech

Smart technology and home automation are major elements of modern home design, and part of the reason why is they’re very eco-friendly. Smart tech helps regulate your home to operate efficiently.

Smart thermostats keep your HVAC system from running too long, smart lights turn off when not in use, and so on.

7. New Windows

Old windows are often inefficient, allowing heat to escape and running up your electricity bill. Energy Star certified windows are a great way to improve your home’s insulation, resulting in less wasted energy.

You can even get smart glass windows that can further reduce your need for heating and air conditioning.

Follow These Green Homes Design Trends

When you utilize green homes design trends, you’re not just helping the environment–you’re helping yourself. A more efficient building keeps your bills down while reducing your carbon footprint at the same time!

Once you’ve finished the green home building process, you’ll want to find ways to make the space your own. Visit our interior design tips and inspiration blog for great ideas to spruce up your home!