4 Helpful Summer AC Maintenance Tips

Summer is an amazing time of year that most of us look forward to. The days are longer, plants are blooming, and it’s the perfect time of year to have friends and family over for BBQs and outdoor fun

However, most states experience extreme temperatures during the peak of summer. On those days, it’s best to either stay inside or find a swimming pool. But what if your AC unit isn’t working?

If your air conditioning breaks down in the middle of summer, it can be incredibly inconvenient and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are some AC maintenance tips you can implement to avoid this scenario. 

Keep reading for four things you can do to keep your AC unit running longer and more efficiently. 

1. Regularly Change Your Filter

Although you’ve probably heard this heating and cooling tip a million times, we’re going to say it again. You need to regularly change your HVAC filter.

Your HVAC filter collects dust, dirt, dander, hair, and debris that’s flowing through your home. Over time, it gets rather filthy. A dirty HVAC filter makes your system work harder, reduces the air quality in your home, and can elevate your electric bill.

2. Make Sure Your Condensor Coils Are Clean

One of the most important AC maintenance tips is to make sure your AC condenser coils are clean. Most people have an outdoor AC unit that’s vulnerable to all kinds of dirt and debris. 

Over time, the coils will become coated with these types of particles. This will make it harder for them to effectively cool the air being pushed into your home. Once again, this will make your system work harder and may even shorten its lifespan.

3. Clear Debris and Dirt From Your Outside Unit

Sometimes, AC repair and maintenance are as simple as cleaning up your outside AC unit. We already talked about the condenser coils, but you also need to ensure you’re getting proper airflow into the machine. 

Take a look at the outer shell of the unit. You may have vents or fins that are used to filter dust, dirt, leaves, and other outdoor debris. Make sure these are clean and clear to optimize your AC unit’s performance.

4. Don’t Force Your AC Unit to Work Overtime

Finally, don’t make the common AC maintenance mistake of running your system into the ground. Although modern AC units are incredibly efficient, trying to keep your house at 68 degrees or lower all summer isn’t advisable. 

Putting this much stress on your system can expedite the need for HVAC services and system repairs. Instead, use a programmable thermostat to keep the house moderately cool while you’re at work (around 75 degrees). Then, right before you get home, the AC can kick it up a notch to get the house a bit cooler. 

Alternatively, learn how to stay cool in summer without your AC on less hot days.  

Are You Keeping Up on Your AC Maintenance?

If you haven’t been taking care of your AC maintenance, you might be calling an HVAC company soon. However, following the simple maintenance tips above could save you a lot of time and money. 

And if you’re looking for more homeownership advice or maintenance suggestions, you’re in the right place. Stick around for a while and check out some of our other blog articles to find more helpful information.