7 Popular Fast-Growing Plants Homeowners Love

When COVID-19 hit and we all found ourselves having to shelter in place, many of us became lonely and bored. This is why tons of people turned to plants, as they can often be tough to take care of. And when they flourish, you get a great sense of achievement and pride!

Collecting plants also creates a sense of community, which is much needed in these isolating times. So it might not be a huge surprise that you’re thinking of either getting into this hobby or are looking to expand your collection!

In any case, here are 7 fast-growing plants you should consider having in your home.

1. Ficus

The ficus is a small bonsai-type tree. It has a big bark bit and waxy dark green leaves that grow out of the top of it.

If you don’t have much space in your house, the ficus can be an excellent focal point on any surface, such as your desk or coffee table. While they can grow up to 6 feet tall, you can trim it back and keep it to just a tiny tree if you want.

The ficus grows quickly, but it also sheds a lot sometimes. You’ll have to be diligent in picking up the leaves if you want to keep a clean surface.

2. Pothos

If you’re looking for a vined plant, then you’ll want a pothos plant, which is also known as a Devil’s Ivy. They have spade-like leaves and they also come in variegated forms, which means you’ll get splatters of light green and white across the leaves.

Pothos is a good option if you don’t get much sunlight in your room. It’ll thrive, so long as it’s warm. This plant will quickly grow a foot or two after you’ve brought it home for a few months, so you’ll be able to have a beautiful trailing plant in no time.

Another added benefit of the pothos plant is that it can purify your air. It’ll filter out formaldehyde and other toxic substances out.

Do note that it doesn’t grow flowers, so if that’s what you’re into, then this might not be the best choice for you.

3. Philodendron

Philodendron is another trailing vine plant, so if you’re looking to have some variety, pick up one of these as well.

It’s actually very similar to the pothos because it has spade-like leaves as well. However, its leaves have more of a heart shape. In fact, “philodendron” means “love tree”!

Like the pothos, philodendron plants will thrive in indirect light and can even tolerate some dry conditions. So if you’re someone who forgets to water plants a lot, the philodendron is quite forgiving.

Like with the other plants on this list, there are several varieties for this plant. For example, there’s the Philodendron Burle Marx, which is one of the fast-growing climbing plants you’ll find at flower shops.

4. English Ivy

The English ivy is yet another one of the fast-growing garden plants that is a trailing one. While it can certainly go outside, you can also grow it quite quickly indoors.

It’s well known for how quickly it grows, so when it comes to fast-growing indoor plants, you definitely want the English ivy in your house. Outside, it’ll climb walls fast; inside, it’ll trail from its basket in record time.

The English ivy doesn’t need much light, plus it only needs medium humidity. It can also purify the air for you!

This plant is evergreen, so you’ll have an amazing trailing plant all year long.

5. Spider Plant

Need fast-growing plants that are hard to kill? Then make sure you get a spider plant.

The name might sound scary, but we promise it doesn’t look it at all! It has a bunch of beautiful variegated leaves that are long and thin, which give it the “spider legs” look.

Bring a spider plant home, and it’ll be big and lush in no time! It also thrives with moderate water and bright light. But if you need to banish it to a darker corner and forget to water it a few times, it won’t die on you either.

6. Queen’s Tears

We know: we’ve been talking about plants that don’t have flowers so far. If you want some blooms, then here’s one for you.

The queen’s tears has some pretty variegated leaves, so if you like those, you’re in for a treat. But what’s even better is this plant grows some outstanding red flowers that have blue edges, which come from pink bracts. It’s truly a sight to behold!

Not only is this plant easy to take care of, but it also grows very quickly. Give it a short period of time, and you’ll have a full plant soon!

7. Silver Squill

The silver squill is a fast-growing plant that has some broad leaves, so you can put it up as a hanging plant if you wish. Its leaves have splotches of light green and white, which adds some interesting patterns that are pleasing to the eye. This is why it’s also nicknamed the leopard plant.

The silver squill also is a flowering plant, so this is another you can consider if you want some beautiful blooms. They start off as red bulbs and then sprout into green-white flowers that also have tinges of pink.

Like many of the other plants on this list, not only does the silver squill grow quickly, but it also does well if you forget to water it. Also, it thrives in all sorts of lighting conditions.

Which Fast-Growing Plants Will You Get for Your Home?

Now that you have a great list of fast-growing plants, which ones interest you?

Of course, you don’t have to select just one! If these have intrigued you, get yourself to the nearest flower shop to check out what they have. You might come home with a few new plant buddies, maybe even some that aren’t on this list!

Did you like this article about fast-growing house plants? Then make sure you take a look at our other articles too!