How to Clean Carpet at Home: Your Guide

Cleaning your carpet may be at the top of the list of chores that you don’t want to do, but there does come a point where it needs to get done. This is something most people know about, as over half of the floor space in US homes is carpeted.

However, the longer you leave it, the worse it will get. This makes carpet cleaning one of the most necessary evils in your home!

Unfortunately, there are some common mistakes made when people attempt to clean their carpets at home, so let’s find out how to avoid them. Let’s talk about how to clean carpet.

How to Clean Carpet Without a Machine

There are some general rules to know before you clean your carpet without a machine. The first is to use soap or detergent sparingly.

This is because you can only get it out from one angle, above. You don’t want to leave a bunch of it in your carpet, as it can cause damage over time.

The next is to rinse any cleaners away as best as you can. The final rule is to make sure it is fully dried to avoid mold. Now that you know those rules, you’re good to get started.

Spot Cleaning

You may just need a little spot cleaning here and there, and that’ll be fine without a machine. Fill a spray bottle with 1/4 cup of white vinegar, one tablespoon of dish soap, and some water.

Spray the area and blot it gently until you see results. The sooner you do this after the stain occurs, the better.

Whole Room

This is the tricky part. Sprinkle baking soda all across your carpet, add two drops of carpet shampoo and warm water to a spray bottle, and get to work.

Go over the entire carpet with a carpet brush, trying to scrub away any dirt that is ground in there. Once you’ve finished the carpet, spray it with fresh water again to try to remove excess suds. Then take extra care to dry it off with a vacuum and a few towels.

With a Machine

This is as simple as it gets. If you have a machine or are willing to purchase one, simply move your furniture out of the room, read the instructions on your machine, and add water and detergent as recommended.

Then just plug it in and get to work. Doing a quick vacuum afterward to help with the drying process is always recommended.

Call In the Pros

It doesn’t have to be a huge job to ask for some help, but you’ll notice an enormous difference in your carpet if you hire professional services. It’ll look like it’s brand new again.

It doesn’t even have to break the bank. If you look for a carpet cleaning service that is reputable and affordable like this service, you’ll have an easy time. Not only will you get a clean carpet, but you can get mold treatment, stain and odor removal, and a longer-lasting clean.

Get to Work

The longer you let your carpet stay dirty, the bigger the chance is that it will fall victim to mold or excess bacteria. Now that you know how to clean carpet, your home will feel better. 

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