What Do Roof Inspectors Look For? A Roof Inspection Checklist

Do you think you need a roof inspection?

Your roof is vital for keeping your home dry and protected from the elements. To do this, you need to keep it in top condition by inspecting for any damage that needs repairing.
For this, it’s better to call in a professional. But if you’ve not had a roof inspection before you might not know what to expect.

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Read on for our checklist on what roof inspectors look for when checking your roof.

What Do Roof Inspectors Look For?

The goal of a roof inspection is to look for things like:

  • damage
  • wear
  • vegetation growth
  • pest infestation

As part of the roof inspection process, they’ll check both inside and outside your roof. Mold, water, and wind can cause a lot of damage over time if left unchecked.

Loose, Damaged, or Missing Roof Materials

Your inspector will look for roofing materials that are missing, damaged, or loose. This includes the ridge caps and shingles, as well as any flashing and guttering. Even if your home is a new build, it’s important to get a new roof inspection when you move in.

In particular, they’ll look for signs of mold, water damage curling, and sagging. If you ignore any material breakdown or gaps, you present a chink in your roof’s armor. You could start to allow water or pests into your home to cause more damage. They’ll recommend any action you need to take, including shingle installation.

Moss & Lichen Growth

If vegetation builds up on your roof, it can compromise the seals around your roofing. It can also provide areas for water to pool, instead of draining away as it should.

A roof inspection will identify areas where too much moss and lichen have grown. Your inspector will also be able to tell you the best way to kill off the vegetation before it damages the roof.

Roof Functionality

This is where your inspector will look at how your drainpipe, gutter, drip edge, and fascia function. They want to make sure water is draining off your roof like it should, not pooling in areas.

They will check for blockages, bowing, and sagging in your drain pipe, and guttering. For drip edges and fascias they’re looking for any signs of rot or pest damage. They’ll also check the edge seals still work as they should.

Flashing Seal

If your flashing isn’t sealed, it’s a way for water and pests to get into your home. Its purpose is to direct water away from the major roof areas where it could cause the most damage.

Your inspector will check HVAC units, vents, chimneys, and pipes to make sure they’re sealed. They’ll look for damage and any areas where the flashing is starting to curl, making sure you have a tight seal.

Interior Inspection

As well as an exterior roof inspection, your inspector will look inside your roof for damage. Water leaking in can cause mold and rot to set in, leading to expensive repairs if it’s ignored.

Leaks often hint at larger problems with insulation too. This could be that the shingles need replacing, or your underlayment has damage. Either way, these are issues you want to fix before more damage occurs and the repair bill skyrockets.

Roof Inspections Made Easy

So, there you have it! Now you know what roof inspectors look for, you’ll know what to expect.

As you can see, a thorough inspection covers all aspects of your roof both inside and out. You can be sure that a roof inspector will find any problems before they get a chance to get worse.

The sooner you catch issues, the less damaging they’ll be for your home (and you’re wallet)! It’ll be well worth the roof inspection cost in the long run.

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