5 Telltale Signs You Are in Need of a Roof Repair

You’re sitting in your living room watching TV when you feel a small drop of water hit your nose. Your face scrunched up and confusion overtakes you. It can’t rain indoors, you think.

So, you look up and notice your ceiling is leaking! But how did that happen? There are many possibilities… but it’s a big sign your roof needs repairs.

Keep reading to learn signs that you might need to start thinking about roof repair options.

1. Storm Damage

Sometimes it’s too late, and the damage is already done by the time you get on top of your roof. Storm damage is one of the most likely causes of damage to your roof.

Strong winds may even blow the shingles off your roof, meaning you’ll have to replace them. Missing shingles might cause leaks and damage to the ceiling inside your house.

Windstorms often leave tree limbs and debris laying across your roof. Loose tree branches and twigs cause damage to your roof as well. Once wet leaves and twigs pile onto your roof, they increase the likelihood of leaks.

2. Be Aware of Ice

As many people know, snow piles on your roof during the winter. But these piles of snow actually have a name; they’re called ice dams. An ice dam is a collection of ice and snow piled on your roof.

How can an ice dam cause damage to your roof? Ice dams might seep into your shingles and into your attic, causing the ceiling to leak. This is common if your attic isn’t insulated.

3. Pest Infestation

Many homeowners have talked about finding a family of squirrels inside their attic. If you notice animal droppings inside your attic, you might want to call a professional. Sometimes you’ll hear scurrying sounds up inside your attic, which is a sign of a pest infestation.

Pests create holes in your roof and crawl into your attic. Usually, it’s to find shelter from outside conditions. It’s important to remove these pests before they cause further damage.

4. Mold or Moss

Mold and moss growing on your roof are a sign of moisture collecting on your roof’s surface. If the moisture builds up, the moss and mold might spread to other places.

Growing mold impacts your family’s health and wellness. It’s a trigger for allergy and asthmatic symptoms. Make sure to inspect your roof for any signs of mold or moss.

5. Check Your Attic

Many of these issues cause problems to your ceiling and attic inside your house. If you think your roof is damaged, check your attic. If you see water stains on the floor of your attic, that’s a common sign of a leaking roof.

If there’s damage to your roof, call a professional to help instead of taking on the job by yourself. Hiring a professional is your best bet when working with roofing issues.

A roof repair service or residential roofers will have a wide variety of services to offer.

What to Look Out for When Considering Roof Repair

If you think there might be damage to your roof, there are a few things to look out for. The number one thing to watch out for is leaks inside your home, especially on your ceiling and upstairs in your attic.

Don’t let these signs impact your daily lifestyle. Call someone who specializes in roof repair, so you don’t have to worry. For more articles about roof repairs, check out our website today.