7 Air Conditioning Alternatives for When Your Thermostat Breaks Down

Are you looking for air conditioning alternatives?

During the summer, we all want to keep yourselves cool and avoid the summer heat. However, it’s common for air conditioning systems to encounter problems and become broken along the line. When this happens at the most inconvenient time, it can be a while before you can call for someone to fix it.

While you wait for it to get fixed, you and everyone in the house need not suffer from not having heating, ventilation, or air conditioning. You can go for these alternatives, instead, to get the results that you want for your house.

Check what’s below to learn about the seven alternatives for air conditioners as you wait for repairs. Learn how to stay cool or heat the house up with these different options.

1. Go For Chilled Beverages

A great way for you to cool down without the help of your air conditioning unit is to prepare cold drinks. Doing this keeps you cool because it helps your body regulate its temperature. By drinking cold drinks, your body has more of a cold reserve inside.

You can also go for cold dishes to beat the heat in your body. Popsicles and cold desserts are great for this. You can also go for chilled dishes if you want less sugar in your food.

What’s great is that it’s easy to pull this off. Regardless of whether you want to go for sweet drinks or savory dishes, you only need a good refrigerator and some ice to make these dishes and drinks work.

2. Invest in Fans

Every household should have a spare fan in case they have a problem with their HVAC system. This is useful in case you encounter any of the common problems that air conditioning systems have, like a blank thermostat that doesn’t allow you to see the current HVAC temperature. Fans provide a quick fix to such problems.

Using a fan as an alternative is easy. You only need to set it up and point it in the direction you want the air to blow. It’s effective in cooling down the temperatures in any room, especially if it’s a small one. 

In a bigger room, though, it will have trouble reaching the further ends of the room. in this case, investing in a more powerful fan is a good solution. You can also get another fan to cover the areas that the other fan can’t reach.

If you want it to have a more cooling effect, you can make a DIY air conditioning system with your fan. Place a chunk of ice in front of the fan to help it disperse colder air. It’s a good way to cool yourself down during a hot day.

3. Open Up the Windows

Invite the cool air in by opening the windows in your house. It’s an easy way to let the air circulate around your home. Doing this is sure to help you regulate the temperature inside your home.

You should consider which windows to open, though. As they can invite air in, they can also let the cold out. This will depend on where your window is.

Consider where the wind is coming from and open windows on that side of the house. This ensures that air will always circulate when you have it opened. Opening a window on the opposite side of the house only causes the air to escape your home, the remaining air stagnant and hot inside your house.

4. Ease the Use of Heat-Producing Appliances

What most people don’t realize is that they produce their own heat inside their houses. Using things like your television or computer for a long time is sure to generate heat. It can be what makes it uncomfortably hot inside the home.

When you have a broken air conditioner, it’s best to avoid using these appliances. The only problem is that some essential appliances like your stove or oven also generate heat.

A good solution for this is to avoid using them indoors. This way, they won’t trap the heat inside the house. Consider cooking outside or using the outdoor grill, instead, to prevent your house from heating up.

5. Use Lightweight Bedding For Cooler Nights

If the broken air conditioner lasts longer than the day, then you’ll have to endure a night where it may be too hot for you to sleep. This can deprive you of sleep, impacting your health.

A good way to remedy this is by switching up your bedding. Use cotton fabrics as they can breathe easy. This means that they can regulate temperature better than most fabrics.

Using lightweight sheets also ensures that you have a cooler night. Using these ensure you don’t have much material covering you as you sleep. You can also refrigerate your blankets before sleeping to prevent overheating.

6. Swap Out Your Light Bulbs

Your lights can be increasing the temperature in your home. Traditional incandescent lights waste about 90% of the energy they get. Instead of turning it into electricity for light, they convert it into heat, instead.

Using fluorescent bulbs use up to 80% less energy than these bulbs. Swapping for these bulbs cools the temperature down and saves you a lot of energy.

7. Use and Chug Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is the most important thing to do if you want to keep yourself cool. Drinking as much water as you can will allow your body to sweat more. Sweating is the best way for our body to regulate its own temperature and cooldown.

Spraying yourself is also a good way to cool off. Keep a spray bottle of cold water at the ready to keep yourself cool throughout the day.

Use These Seven Air Conditioning Alternatives Today

Having trouble staying cool with a broken thermostat? Check out these seven air conditioning alternatives to help with your temperature problems today! Read up and know how you can control the house’s temperature as you wait for HVAC repairs now!

Do you want to learn more about air conditioning and HVAC systems? Check out more of our guides to learn all you can today! You may even learn how you can fix the problems yourself!