Gas vs. Electric Fireplace: The Pros, Cons, and Everything in Between

Did you know that adding a fireplace to your home can increase its value by thousands of dollars? Both indoor and outdoor fireplaces can add to your return on investment. 

Maybe you aren’t interested in selling your house any time soon. A fireplace is a cozy addition that will provide a beautiful backdrop for entertainment. 

If you’re looking to purchase a fireplace, you may be wondering about the differences between a gas vs electric fireplace. They each have their own unique set of pros and cons, and they often depend on your home and personal preference. 

If you’re having trouble deciding between electric fireplaces vs gas fireplaces, look no further. Keep reading for all of the pros and cons of both electric and gas fireplaces. 

Gas vs Electric Fireplace: Pros

While both gas and electric fireplaces are a great addition to your home, you’ll want to check out the pros and cons of each. Some benefits can depend on the type of house you have, how much money you’re willing to pay, and how environmentally conscious you would like to be. 

Pros of Gas Fireplaces

Among the most important pros is the cost to run electric fireplace vs gas fireplaces. Because propane is so cheap, it will cost less to run a gas fireplace than it will an electric fireplace. 

Another great benefit of gas fireplaces is their ability to heat your home almost instantly. They’re also able to heat your home if the power goes out.

Lastly, a gas fireplace is the closest you’ll get to a real campfire in your home. The flame is real, so you can enjoy the authenticity. 

These great benefits are ones you’ll be able to share with friends and family for years to come. 

Pros of Electric Fireplaces

Among the biggest benefit of electric fireplaces is the ability to install them anywhere in any home. Because you don’t need a vent or a chimney, the options are limitless when it comes to the location of the fireplace within your home. 

Another great pro is how safe they are. Because electric fireplaces don’t use a real flame, the fireplace won’t get hot, which can keep little ones safe from burns. 

You can set your electric fireplace to a certain temperature. This way, you can enjoy the look of a fireplace without your house getting too hot. 

Gas vs Electric Fireplace: Cons

While both electric and gas fireplaces have many benefits, nothing is perfect. Take these cons into consideration when looking for a fireplace. 

Cons of Gas Fireplaces

When weighing the electric fireplace vs gas fireplace cost upfront, gas fireplaces are more expensive and difficult to install. To avoid gas buildup, you will need to add a vent or a chimney to your home, which limits the places you’re able to put it. 

Gas fireplaces get very hot, so you risk getting burned if you aren’t cautious around it. There is also the potential for a gas leak if your vents don’t work properly.

Cons of Electric Fireplaces

When looking at the cost of electric fireplace vs gas fireplace, electric fireplaces cost more to run, but not by much of a difference. They’re also a little less friendly to the environment. 

An electric fireplace will not run if your power goes out. It can also take longer to start feeling the heat from an electric fireplace. 

Lastly, the flame from an electric fireplace isn’t real. You don’t get the same authenticity as you would with a gas fireplace. 

Time to Ignite

Now you’re aware of all the pros and cons of a gas vs electric fireplace. Now it’s time to make a decision and install!

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