Why Go Solar? 5 Big Reasons to Turn Your House Solar in 2020

Why go solar could be a question you’ve found yourself contemplating. This is particularly true if you’re used to the easy accessibility of traditional power companies. There are many reasons to take a closer look, though, even if you’re somewhat satisfied with the status quo.

In the following article, we’ll be going over the five reasons you should make 2020 the year you join more than 2 million who’ve already converted to solar energy. Let’s get started! 

1. Helping the Environment 

The first major reason you should consider going solar is that doing so creates less of a strain on the environment. You’re essentially using the ultimate renewable resource to power your home, and this reduces the number of emissions and damaging effects of nuclear energy production.

Knowing that you are doing something to prolong the quality of the environment provides peace of mind. It’s also a great lesson to teach your children.  

2. Money

The positive personal money effects of turning your house solar are three-fold. First, you can save a significant amount on your electric bills. What you save depends on current energy usage, so the actual amounts can vary.

Secondly, solar energy can increase the value of your home. By showing potential buyers they’ll be saving in utility costs, they’ll be more likely to pay your price. 

Thirdly, installing solar panels for your home or business, at least currently, can qualify you for federal tax credits. These can help defray the cost of the system and make it easier to pay for itself once the monthly savings kick in. 

3. Addressing Other Home Improvements

One big advantage you may tend not to think about when looking into how to turn your house solar is the opportunity it creates for other home improvements. Home maintenance and renovation are part of the homeownership process. 

Some have estimated upkeep expenses to be around 1-3 percent of the value of your home each year. That would mean, for a $100,000 home, between $1,000-$3,000 per year for home improvements, or $83-$250 per month. Saving on solar allows you to put that money toward these types of improvements. 

4. Aiding the Local Economy 

Buying into solar energy creates a new industry in your own backyard. That industry brings with it more job opportunities. It’s your way of giving back while keeping more of your cash. 

5. Protecting Your Roof

Last but not least, solar panels add an extra layer of protection between your roof and the elements. This can be particularly beneficial in hailstorms and other natural calamities that add wear-and-tear to your roof. 

Getting Started

The first thing you need if you’re ready to go solar is to learn more about installing solar panels. Of course, the easier path is to find a solar company capable of doing it for you.

The DIY path may seem cheaper on its face, but do not discount the time expenditure in learning how. Also, the cost of most solar installations have gone way down in recent years, even more so when you factor in the tax incentives. 

Why Go Solar Is No Longer the Question

The question should no longer be why go solar? It should be when to go solar. 

Best of luck as you make your decision. For more tips on saving money, time, and energy, check out some of our additional posts!