Diving Into Some of the Top Home Design Ideas to Arise in 2020

Giving your home’s interior a good makeover is the perfect way to kick off the new decade.  However, doing an interior spruce up is neither as easy nor as cheap as you’d think.

It is almost a sin to spruce up your home this year with trends from last year. That’s why you need to be acquainted with the latest trends in interior design or risk major embarrassment. Fortunately, the internet is an incredible resource for incredible home design ideas.

Even the chicest persons need a little refresher in interior design once in a while. 

We’ve seen some pretty excellent development in home design this year. A couple of novel ideas, a few ideas borrowed from the last year. Plus, a few ideas that are a blast from the past.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the hottest home design ideas. That way, you can make your living space the envy of your friends.

What Are the Dos and Don’ts of Home Design?

The first rule about home design is that you shouldn’t rush into it. You should take it slow, think everything out, and weigh all your options. Here are the dos and don’ts of home interior design:-

The Dos

  1. Do thorough research and make a budget estimate for everything you plan to get for the interior. Have a realistic budget, but also don’t skimp too much on the interior shopping.
  2. Allocate purpose for space in the room. Every space should have a particular purpose to make it easy to plan for the room’s design. Ensure you prioritize, determine the purpose, and match them to your wants and needs.
  3. Prioritize free space. As much as you want to exploit your living space. It is always important to leave some free space since it creates a relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Choose your preferred color scheme. Put a lot of thought into this color scheme because replacing it is expensive.

The Don’ts

  1. Avoid furniture that’s too big. Oversized furniture looks good only in big spaces. Don’t buy furniture that makes the room look crowded and constrains movement.
  2. Avoid clashing colors. Most people aren’t very good with colors. So two of your favorite colors may not look good together. If you don’t know your colors, you can always use an online color scheme generator.
  3. Buying the wrong size rug. An overly big rug engulfs the room, and an overly small rug looks purposeless.
  4. Don’t hang your curtains too low. For a better look, ensure your curtains just touch the floor. They shouldn’t be overflowing on the flow.

Home Design Ideas for 2020 You Should Consider

Your design may seem a good idea in your head. However, in real life, it may be a calamity. So unless you majored in interior design, you’re not above some internet tips.

Your other alternative is buying a gorgeous home once and for all. Like these ones in Manhattan, you can read about in this article from Botello & Senser.

2020 has given us some mind-blowing home design ideas. Remember, you don’t have to do everything. Just pick one or two ideas that fit your fancy. Here are a couple of interior design ideas for 2020:-

Black and White Interior

If you’re going for that sophisticated chic look, then black and white is just what the doctor ordered. The first advantage of black and white is that you can never clash these two colors. No matter what shade of black you choose, from really dark to grey.

Also, you can integrate black and white in so many different ways. For instance, white chairs and black tables or vice versa. What’s more, most TVs are in black so splash some white around the TV area and it will look amazing.

Blue Kitchen Cabinets

Wood is dominant in most kitchens, and that won’t change anytime soon. In 2020, we’re seeing blue coming up as the color of choice for cabinets. Not the heavy dark blue but the navy blue.

It’s a great alternative to black, which most homeowners prefer. If you can’t let black go, black and blue still match seamlessly. It also goes well with the dominant wood interior of most kitchens.

Velvet for the Living Room

Not everyone is a fan of velvet. Understandably so because velvet is not a very common material. However, velvet is really catching on in 2020.

Velvet denotes luxury, regalness, and sophistication, but only if you use it in the right places. Now there are plenty of velvet design and color options.

If velvet is not for you, don’t try and force it. However, you can get a professional interior designer to help you make the right choice. You can also drop the whole idea altogether.

Geometric Patterns for Interior Décor

Geometric patterns aren’t anything new in interior designs. We’ve seen this trend taking shape since five years ago.  From what we’ve seen in2020, this trend is going nowhere anytime soon.

Lamps and vases are décor elements you can capitalize on for geometric patterns. However, be careful not to overdo it. Since most things have geometric shapes, overdoing it is very easy.

Also, you should consider the many lamp options available. Try to stand out from the pack with the more modern lamps. Consider your lighting also so that you can highlight these décor elements.

Canopy Beds

This is a home design idea that borrows heavily from the past. Canopy beds are officially back. This piece of news is great news for most folks. 

However, these beds can look pretty heavy in a small room. That said, put your room size into consideration before getting this bed. 

If it works for your room, you’ll have a comfortable bed and a serene environment for your sleeping space.

The Perfect Home Design Takes Time

Remember, never rush when designing your home’s interior. Slowly map out what you want to do then make a budget for everything. Stunning home design ideas may be costly, depending on where you shop for everything.

You don’t have to do everything at once; you can gradually revamp your home’s interior. Start by one or two pieces, or complete one room before moving to the next.  Also, get professionals to do the fixing and installments for you; don’t go it alone.

For more enticing reads, remember to check out our other articles.