How to Create and Design a Simple Floor Plan: A Helpful Guide

Maybe you’re hosting an event and need to lay everything out to ensure that your space is perfect. Or perhaps you’re going through a home redesign and need to sketch out the new flow of your room.

Either way, you need to figure out a floor plan, and you need to do it ASAP. 

If you need help putting together a simple floor plan, you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to give you a quick rundown of everything you need to do to create a floor plan that fits your needs. 

Measure Properly 

When you’re creating a floor plan, one of the first things you need to do is get accurate measurements of your existing space.

When you’re measuring the perimeter of your room, make sure that you lay your measuring tape down flat on the floor. 

Also, don’t assume that your walls are going to automatically be parallel. You may be surprised to find that some areas of your room are bigger than others. 

Think About Traffic Flow

The room you’re laying out should be designed for optimal people flow. Make it easy for people to be able to comfortably move around the space by laying everything out properly in your floor plan. 

Try to account for open walking spaces in a particular direction. Think about important areas people will need to get to, like hallways and bathrooms, and make direct paths for them to use.

Take Note Of Functional Features

Before you start laying out the placement of the furniture in the room, make sure you take note of important immovable objects in the room.

Take note of where the vents are in the room, and pay close attention to light switches and thermostats. You won’t want to place furniture anywhere that could end up accidentally blocking them. 

Do you have windowsills that project outwards into the room? If so, make sure you don’t accidentally plan to have furniture directly up against the wall in that area.

Utilize Software

Physically laying out a floor plan on paper can be difficult to do. If you’re having trouble bringing your floor plan vision to life, consider using software to plan everything out.

3d floor plans can make it easier for you to visualize everything in the room. There are plenty of software programs you can use that can make it easier for you to understand physical boundaries and properly place furniture.

Consider Decor 

When you’re designing a floor plan, you’re most concerned about furniture placement and traffic flow. These things are important, but you should also take time to plan the placement of important decor pieces. 

You may not need to do a lot of planning when you’re hanging up a small picture frame, but large statement-making decor pieces like rugs or big pieces of art should be included in your plan. 

A Simple Floor Plan and Beyond 

You don’t need to be an architect to draw up a simple floor plan. If you follow the steps we outlined in this post, you’ll be able to draw up a solid plan to put together an expertly designed room.

Floor plans or only one part of the room planning process. There are still plenty of other things to think about!

We have a lot of content on our website that can help you bring out the best features in any room you design. Make sure you browse everything we have so you can learn all of our helpful tips and tricks.