What Does a Home Deep Clean Involve?

The average household carpet accumulates 40 pounds of dust and dirt per year. Where is all that grime coming from?

Each time someone enters your home, they bring in soil, pollen, and debris with them.

There’s no way to fully prevent dust from accumulating in your home. The best thing you can do is give it a deep clean regularly.

What exactly is a deep clean? What makes it different than a normal tidy-up? Keep reading to find out.

Carpets Get Nasty

40 pounds of dirt and dust in your carpet sounds like a lot. And, it is. You may think weekly vacuuming is enough, but unfortunately, your vacuum likely isn’t strong enough to remove it all.

That’s why it’s so important to clean your carpets professionally each year. Carpet Cleaning removes the deep-rooted dirt and dust that your vacuum can’t reach.

Not only will the room feel cleaner, but you’ll also likely notice that the air feels fresher. With less dust living in your carpets, the air is cleaner and easier to breathe.

The Areas Your Forget About

There are spots in every home that people universally dislike cleaning. These areas might be hard to get to, difficult to clean, or have been neglected for way too long.

Some examples are behind the fridge, behind the oven, shower tiles, and the baseboards.

When you make your deep cleaning list, make sure these areas are included. You don’t have to clean these spots every week. But, if you avoid them for too long, they’ll require professional cleaning.

And, letting dirt buildup in these areas can contribute to poorer air quality in your home. This is especially true in moist environments where mold can grow.

How to Deep Clean Your Home

Start by making a list of all the things in the home you need to clean. Separate them into room categories.

A great rule to remember is to start from the top. When you begin cleaning a room, start with the ceiling fans, cobwebs, and top shelves. As you clean, the dust falls to the lower level where you haven’t cleaned yet.

Another tip is to bring a “misplaced items” box with you from room to room. As you find clutter that doesn’t belong there, you can put it in the box. When you get to the room it belongs in, empty it.

Consider hiring a professional cleaning service to do your deep clean. They’ll come in with their own products and supplies. Give them your list of areas to deep clean and put your feet up.

Ready to Give Your Home a Deep Clean?

When you realize how much dirt and dust is in your home, you’ll want to clean right away. Instead of doing a 30-minute tidy-up, do a deep clean.

Get every nook and cranny of your home cleaned. And, don’t rule out hiring a professional cleaning service for some, or all, of it.

Find more cleaning tips in the Home Advice section of our site!