How Much Does Tree Removal Cost? The Average Prices

Thinking about having one of the trees outside of your home or business taken down? It might cost you a pretty penny to do it.

Generally speaking, the average tree removal cost is going to be more than $1,000 in many cases. Tree removal isn’t always easy to do, which is why the typical tree cutter service charges so much for it.

That being said, there are a bunch of different factors that will help determine your final tree cutting price. You should consider them before calling up a service and asking, “How much to cut down a tree?”

Here are several factors that you need to keep in mind when it comes to tree removal.

The Size of a Tree

The first thing that’s going to have a big impact on tree removal cost when you’re having a tree on your property taken down is the size of it.

If you happen to be having a very small tree removed from your yard, a tree cutting service might only charge you a few hundred dollars to do it. They aren’t going to have to spend much time doing tree removal for you.

But if you happen to be having a very large tree removed from your yard, that’s going to be a much different story. You could end up paying well over $1,000 for a service to come out and take it down for you.

A tree cutting service like Urban Arb Solutions can give you a better idea as far as how much tree removal will cost after checking out the size of your tree.

The Health of a Tree

The size of a tree is obviously going to play a big role in your tree removal cost. But it’s not the only thing a tree cutting service is going to look at when providing you with an estimate for tree removal.

They’re also going to take a good, long look at the health of your tree. If the tree is very healthy, it’s going to be easier for them to climb up and down it, which will bring your tree cutting price down.

But if the tree is dying, dead, or split down the middle after a bad storm, you can expect to pay more to have it removed. It’s going to present a bigger challenge for a tree cutting service.

The Location of a Tree

If the tree you’re going to be taking down is right in the middle of your property with nothing around it, its location isn’t going to have a negative impact on your tree removal cost. But if there are hazards all around it, it cost cause the cost to skyrocket.

Trees, bushes, fences, and other obstacles surrounding a tree could make it very hard to remove. They’ll result in you paying more than you would otherwise for tree cutting.

Get Estimates for Tree Removal Cost Before Taking Down a Tree

Prior to hiring a tree cutting service to carry out tree removal for you, you should always have a few different services provide you with estimates.

These companies can tell you the tree removal cost that they would charge you based on the factors we just mentioned. This will allow you to hire the most affordable company for the job.

Read our blog for more tips on caring for the trees surrounding your home or business.