How Double Pane Windows Help to Save on Your Energy Bill

The average US resident spends over $1,000 each year on energy bills. How much of your hard-earned money is going out the window?

Energy bills naturally fluctuate throughout the year. However, you may be surprised to learn that much of your home’s heating and cooling is escaping through the windows. Homes with single-pane windows aren’t always able to hold in cool air during the summer and warm air during the winter, which means you end up paying more.

If you’ve been paying sky-high energy bills during winter and summer months, double-pane windows might be the solution you need. Read on to learn about how double-pane windows work and how they can save you money.

What Are Double-Pane Windows?

Double-pane, or double panel, windows are windows made with two sheets of glass. Most older homes will have single-pane windows, which provide less insulation and protection against the weather.

Unlike single-pane, double-pane windows are designed with argon gas between the panes. This gas acts as an extra layer of insulation that slows the transfer of heat through the windows. It also works better than air because it contains no moisture. This means your double-pane windows won’t get clouded with condensation.

Most double-pane windows will use argon gas because it’s non-toxic, non-corrosive, and helps to prevent the loss of heating and cooling in your home. They make a great alternative to single-pane windows because they not only cut energy costs, but they also offer extra protection from outside elements.

How Double-Pane Windows Can Save You Money

Windows are a key part in the energy-efficiency of a home. According to the US Department of Energy, windows are responsible for up to 30% of heating and cooling energy loss.

Traditional single-pane windows only use a single sheet of glass and often don’t provide enough insulation to slow the transfer of heat. What does this mean for you?

It means you’ll spend more money each year to keep up with the heating or cooling temperature that’s comfortable for you. As your air-conditioned home leaks out cool air or the frosty winter air seeps into your warm home, you end up paying more to keep your HVAC system running.

If you want to save money by boosting the energy-efficiency of your home, a good place to start might be in replacing your old, outdated windows. This means investing in thermal double-pane windows to replace all of your old, leaky windows.

This home project might sound pricey, but the good news is that double-pane windows can be 50% more efficient than single-pane windows. Once they’re installed, you’ll cut out almost a third of your prior energy loss and save money every month.

Choosing the Best Window Quality

Before you purchase a set of new double-pane windows, make sure you’ve chosen a product that is well-made with high-quality materials. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and make sure to look for these two features to decide which double-pane window is best for you.

Type of Glass

Double-pane windows are made with low-emissivity (Low E) glass. This type of glass has a transparent coating that helps make the window more energy efficient. The coating will reflect heat into the room while also allowing the sun’s heat and light to pass through.

This Low E glass is used on certain faces of a double-pane window unit. Depending on the type of double-pane window you choose, some will also combine Low E glass with self-cleaning or acoustic glass. Depending on the needs of your home, you can choose the best design that benefits you.

What’s the R-Value?

While you shop, it’s important to be aware of each window’s energy ratings. Not all double-pane windows are made alike, so you’ll want to make sure you invest in a high-quality window that will last.

Home insulation products will be given an R-value rating. This is a rating given to show how well a material resists conductive heat flow.

A high R-value is good, while a low R-value might not offer the insulation you need. As a rule, most single-pane windows will have an R-value of 0.9 while most double-pane windows will receive a 2.04 R-value.

Overall Craftsmanship

In addition to the type of glass and the R-value, it’s also important to look at how well a window is sealed and what it’s filled with. Double-pane windows with a strong seal will perform better than those made with low-quality seals. Also, windows filled with gas will be clearer, while windows filled with air may get foggy.

It might surprise you, but today’s glazing options can create a double-pane window that’s as insulating as a wall. So as you shop around for your new double-pane windows, pay attention to each style’s specifications.

Installing in Your Home

To get the most benefit from your double-pane windows, it’s important to replace all the windows in your home instead of just a few. This will maximize your energy savings and give you the most return on your investment.

If you’re a DIY homeowner, you might be wondering how to install double-pane windows yourself. Just remember to make it a two-person job and ensure that your windows are properly sealed to prevent air leaks.

Since the quality of your window installation will affect 30% of your home energy costs, take the time to learn more about proper sealing. You’ll be able to enjoy more benefits of your double-pane windows if they’re both well-made and well-installed.

Once you have your windows installed, you’ll get to enjoy more comfort in your home while also saving money. Your lowered energy bills will soon make the investment well worth it.

Enjoy the Changing Seasons

It can be hard to enjoy the comforts of home when your windows are continually leaking out costly air. But double-pane windows are a great home investment that both improves the comfort of your home while saving you hundreds of dollars.

Looking for ways to boost your window’s aesthetics? Try out some of these window treatment trends to add style and beauty to your view.

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