How to Pack for a Move Efficiently

When you’re preparing to pack for a move, it can feel like you’ll never finish. But millions of people successfully pack and move every year – and you will too!

That being said, there’s absolutely a right and a wrong way to pack. Certain packing decisions can either make the task easier or a million times more difficult. And knowing how to pack efficiently will make all the difference in the world in terms of your moving experience.

To help you pack up your home like a pro, we’ve put together a guide to the most efficient way to pack for a move. Using these tips, you’ll find that packing your belongings is breeze.

Keep reading to learn more!

Don’t Pack Everything

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when packing for a move is to pack everything you currently own. Before you begin packing, it’s crucial that you declutter.

For starters, the last thing you want to do is bring clutter into your new space, as it’s detrimental to your health. But on top of that, it will only make packing and unpacking that much more difficult.

Take the time and effort (and it can be a lot – but well worth it in the end) to go through each room of your home, separating your belongings into three piles: pack, donate, and toss.

Now, it’s important to be as cutthroat as possible with this process. You don’t want to give away everything you own, of course, but if you haven’t used, worn, or even seen an item in the last six months, it’s probably time to say goodbye.

The best way to do this is to start with the room that holds the least sentimental value for you. This is usually the kitchen or the bathroom. Then, work your way up to more difficult spaces such as the bedrooms or garage.

The goal is to build up decluttering momentum so that you’re more desensitized to the idea once you’re faced with the decision to donate or keep that teddy bear your daughter hasn’t touched in the last five years. If you’re struggling, it can be helpful to bring in an objective friend or family member to go through the decluttering process with you.

Gather Your Materials

Unless you plan to hire a professional to handle the entire packing and moving process for you, you’ll need a few packing materials to get started. Here are some packing essentials to add to your list:

  • Boxes in a variety of sizes
  • Packing paper
  • Bubble wrap
  • Quality packing tape
  • Scissors
  • Permanent markers
  • Cleaning supplies

Let’s dive a little deeper into the details.

You might think that gathering a collection of large boxes is the way to go, but it’s actually better to pack most things in medium or even small boxes. Large boxes are easy to overfill, making them difficult to carry and increasing the risk of breakage.

Also, make purchasing moving boxes a last resort. Free, quality moving boxes are easier to find than you might think!

First check with your local grocery stores and big box retailers. They receive shipments all the time and are often more than happy to give boxes away. Check online as well, sites like Craigslist and Offer Up are full of listings for free moving boxes.

Instead of expensive packing paper, you can use newspaper, dish towels, even t-shirts! Just be mindful of weight if you’re using cloth instead of paper.

Cleaning supplies might seem like an odd thing to have on your moving essentials list, but trust us, you’re going to need them! Wiping down any knickknacks, decor, and other items before packing them will make unpacking much more enjoyable.

Not to mention, you never know what kinds of dust bunnies are lurking behind those pieces of furniture that you haven’t moved since you first arrived.

Pack a “Day Of” Suitcase or Box

To ensure that none of your day to day essentials accidentally get packed away, put together a “day of” suitcase or box for each member of the family. This box should include a few days’ worth of outfits plus pajamas and undergarments, a towel and washcloth, as well as any toiletries used in your daily routine.

Keep these separate from the rest of the boxes and label them clearly so that they aren’t lost in the move. Instead of putting them in the moving truck, bring them with you in the car or leave them at work or at a neighbor’s house until you need them.

Be Strategic with Your Packing

You’re going to be tempted to rush the packing process to get it over with as quickly as possible. But try your best to fight this urge! Taking your time and being strategic with your packing will reduce the risk of breakage and prevent the unpacking process from being just as difficult as packing.

Take photos of any electronics or photo arrangements that you want to recreate in your new home. You should also keep a record of everything you’re packing and label and color code your boxes by room to you help you sort it all out once you begin the unpacking process.

Pack for a Move Like a Pro With This Guide

Preparing to pack for a move can feel like an insurmountable task, but with a little patience and hard work, you’ll make it through!

Remember, the most efficient way to pack for a move isn’t necessarily the easiest way, but it will save you a major headache in the long run. You’ll thank yourself for the extra effort when you’re able to unpack with ease and start enjoying your new home sooner.

For more tips on moving, as well as finding or creating your dream home, be sure to take a look at our blog!